Chapter 4. Qusere

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He was all alone because “His Preesha” was not there. From the day she left him, his heart was torn to pieces. He kept staring at “The Wall of Preesha”—

“Preesha! I have not been well since you left me. I'm tired of keeping this poker face in front of media. Even as my soul is gasping for the last breath. Your deep and blue sea-like eyes! Every time I close my eyes, I still see your eyes staring into mine to read my untold mysteries. And even all those parts of me that you kissed don't feel mine. I'm still all yours. I still look back on those beautiful evenings we spent together as the happiest part of our lives. Those late night roadside dates! Those long drives! I miss everything. Watching you fall asleep due to fatigue, Carrying you in my arms to our bedroom, Your holding my hands like an innocent child who is afraid of nightmare alleys. Why did you left me alone? I'm nothing without you. I miss myself! I miss Preesha’s Rudraksh!”

She was all alone. Her eyes that used to be full of love are now filled with unanswered questions. She kept staring at “Mr. Stranger’s Vade-mecum”—

Why do I always wait for someone to embrace me like the rain embraces every inch of where it falls— Protective and Possesive!
Why do I always wait for someone to dance with me like the wind dances with the foliage— Fickle and Sensual!
Why do I always wait for someone to illuminate my life like the moon illuminates the dead of night—Soft and Peaceful!
Why do I always wait for someone to kiss me like the sunlight kisses the meadows on a winter day— Gentle and Warm!
Why do I spend hours looking at this pangram of apologies like an adventurer looking at his destination—Curious and Hopeful!”

Will this wait and search ever end? His wait to get back the eyes he's always wanted to be lost in & Her search for the appropriate letters to complete those unintentional dots.

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