Chapter 1. A Pangram

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A new dawn, A new day, A new spring head!

"You're a loser and a bad father!"

She just got up too quickly because of the nightmare tremors. The nightmare tremors she's been feeling for past two months. She didn't know to whom she said these harsh words, She didn't know who he was, She didn't know why she called him a loser and a bad father.

She took off her bed sheet, went to her little garden, plucked a red rose [She doesn't know how much Her Mr. Stranger loves Red colour] and went back to her bed. She took out her diary-"A vade-mecum of apologies"

She sticks the red rose on the page and writes "I'm Sorry........" on it.
And these words give her warmth, the sense of a familiar coziness on an emotional level. She never felt warmth with anyone in these two months. But these words-They're the equivalent of whenever you step into a patch of sunlight for her!

She's been doing this for the past two months. She doesn't know to whom should she apologize! But she's sure she'll meet the person one day and she'll give him the diary- "A pangram of apologies". She doesn't know his name, but she knows his name has 8 letters! 8 dots for those 8 letters!! Will these dots ever meet and show her the way to meet "Her Unknown Stranger"?

My Comrade!Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz