ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟙𝟘

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Chapter 10 - Mission: Defend

"Toward the things that cannot see"

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"Toward the things that cannot see"


The breeze blew swiftly by Aurelia's calm face as she stood on the terrace of the beachside estate of Senator Amidala. It was peaceful here, on the planet of Naboo, and reminded her the most of her home, Earth. She adored the unique, yet familiar architecture. It reminded her of Italy or other countries around the Mediterranean Sea. More of a European structure and inspiration, though Aurelia doubted it was much of an inspiration thanks to the isolation of Earth's knowledge to the galactic world. Nonetheless, the planet in its entirety brought her back to her diplomatic trips to mainland Europe and the luscious green vineyards of the Italian countryside.

She remembered when she was a little girl of age seven, she had traveled with her parents on a political trip to a famous vineyard on the outskirts of Rome. She'd escape with the other children and roam the grounds, creating stories and imaginative lands just like she did back in the forest from home. Her parents would conduct business with the local politicians but her and the other children were one with the landscape, fighting evil kings and sorcerers. It was a blissful memory, one of many she never realized she had until she had been kidnapped all those eight months ago. She had gotten used to the life of a Jedi; had gone on a few missions. This one was one of them. Her first solo mission. To escort Senator Padmé back to Coruscant for a vote to promote a nonviolent negotiation to end the separatist war that raged throughout the galaxy.

Aurelia was too deep into her thoughts to notice the Naboo Senator walk up behind her. A hand gently touched her shoulder, jolting her out of her trance. "Good morning, Princess." She greeted. Aurelia smiled at her, unfolding her arms to rest at her sides.

"Good morning, Senator." She returned. Aurelia remembered Anakin's connection and fascination with the Senator, as they had met around ten years ago when she had been the Queen of Naboo. Ever since she had arrived on the planet, Aurelia seemed to connect instantly with the brunette. They had both been within royalty since they were little and had been thrust into the public eye earlier than they had wanted. A friendship quickly bloomed between the two and had been fast confidants with each other. "How are you feeling?"

Padmé sighed, a frown stretched on her lips. "Not too well, I'm afraid." Aurelia nodded with a listening ear, motioning to a nearby bench to sit on. "I fear that someone will try to stop this vote from taking place. That someone will try to kill me to stop it."

Aurelia placed a friendly hand on her shoulder. "Don't worry, Padmé. You've got me to protect you, as well as your decoy and the Naboo secret services. We'll catch anyone who even is planning to kill you."

Darkness, DarknessHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin