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"Y/n?" Venti was speechless

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"Y/n?" Venti was speechless. He couldn't believe what his eyes were seeing

"Get off me" the h/c haired female said, annoyed by the sudden interaction between the two of them

"What are you doing here?"

"That's none of your business, by the way, is Mr. Soji, not Y/n"

You pushed the male aside while tidying your clothes, this was certainly an inconvenience. The situation was just slowly and painfully pushing your buttons to the limit, just.... How many times had you been interrupted in the middle of something important

"It certainly is. Where have you been all this time?" He said with a tint of worry on his tone 

"I was just busy alright, nothing else, now if you excuse me" 

After the unpleasant chit-chat, you started to walk away in hopes of avoiding the inisistent bard. Unfortunately, life had some other plans for you

"I don't"

You turned around in confusion 

"You what?"

"I won't excuse you. You owe me an explanation. Strange things have been happening around Mondstadt and its citizens. I know for a fact I'm not the strongest archon, but I don't think they'd be able to fix this by themselves" 

You clenched your fists in anger 

"I'm trying to avoid these things from further increasing, you know? But if you don't let me go right now, they might just as well keep getting worse" 

Venti went quiet and just sighed. Maybe... Maybe he should just enjoy the party and not question anything? No, no, that would not be alright

"I know you're skeptical of me... I really do, but just trust me this one time, i know my species aren't the most trustworthy of them all, but... I want to change that right here and now"


Footsteps were heard, a certain blonde haired male was approaching the two individuals, his elegant attire alongside his long silky hair matched perfectly

"Venti?" He spoke as his companion was away, eating everything the buffet had to offer

"Aether, how lovely to see you here!" 

'Ah, i wonder how he is able to change attitudes that fast' You thought

Suddenly, a pair of amber eyes were perched in your being, trying to analyze who you were or where you came from

"Hello..." He trailed off, not knowing your name or surname 

Venti made eye contact with you before turning to Aether with the brightest smile

"He is my friend, Mr. Soji, " He pointed out while whispering something to Aether that you could clearly hear, as he wasn't that... well... discrete

He said something along the lines of you not being talkative and social

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