🌸||Rumors.....That aren't true.....or..are They?..||JJBA

10 1 6

A/n: HELLO *CoUgH* So just letting you know that some characters may not act like themselves or talk like themselves because I suck at writing and I'm not said character :)
Anyways Enjoy

WARNING: Shipping.

Polnereff: KAKYOIN

Kakyoin: What is it polnereff?

Polnereff: A little Birdy told me that you and a certain someone where dating

Kakyoin: What?

Joesph: You can't hide it from us anymore kakyoin! You and Jotaro are dating!

Kakyoin: W h a t ?

Advol: It's better to tell the truth then lie about your relationship Kakyoin

Polnereff: It's not like were gonna be mad if you two are dating

Kakyoin: Guys were not dating-

Joesph: Just tell us the truth Kakyoin

Kakyoin: If I lie and say we're dating will you stop talking about this?

All expect kakyoin: No

Kakyoin: Good Grief..

All expect kakyoin: *Dramatic Gasp*

Polnereff: You two are definitely dating!

Joesph: Why else would you say his catch phrase?!

Kakyoin: Maybe because I've heard him say it so much-

Advol: Because your two are always by each other

Polnereff: Like lovers!

Kakyoin: If me and Jotaro are so close to the point we look like were dating, wouldn't you consider Joesph and Advol lovers? Or maybe polnereff and Advol? heck even Me and Polnereff!

Advol: Wait your also dating polnereff?!

Polnereff: W H A T ? !

Kakyoin: No that's not what I meant! I mean...Your practically shipping us!

Polnereff: No! Were just trying to get the truth out of you!

Kakyoin: That's it, I'm done, I'm leaving *Walks away*

Jotaro: What's wrong with him?

Polnereff: Not to sure honestly

Jotaro: I'll go check on him

Polnereff: Woah, such a great Boyfriend you are Jotaro

Jotaro: Thanks

All Expect you know who: HUH?!

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