🌸||What is the Wifi Password?||JJBA

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A/n: HELLO *CoUgH* So just letting you know that some characters may not act like themselves or talk like themselves because I suck at writing and I'm not said character :)
Anyways Enjoy

WARNING: Shipping...?

Polnereff: Hey Kakyoin what's the wifi Password?

Kakyoin: Oh it's Your Fatherless

Polnereff: E-excuse me?

Kakyoin: Hm?

Polnereff: What did you just say?!

Kakyoin: That the wifi password is your Fatherless

Polnereff: Just so you know I am not- wait that's the wifi password?

Kakyoin: Last I checked

Polnereff: It... didn't work

Kakyoin: Oh uh try Jotaro is the hottest guy out of all of us

Polnereff: W- w h a t ?

Kakyoin: Hm?

Polnereff: Did- Did you make these passwords..?

Kakyoin: Yeah why?

Polnereff: Just wondering...

Kakyoin: Uh ok?

Polnereff: It didn't work

Kakyoin: Hm...Try Joestar

Polnereff: Ok...that one's pretty normal...Andddd it didn't work what the hell kakyoin?!

Kakyoin: I don't know! Last I checked it was-

Jotaro: Kakyoin

Kakyoin: Yeah?

Jotaro: No the wifi password is kakyoin

Polnereff: It better be

Jotaro: It is

Polnereff: Finally it worked!

Kakyoin: Why was it my name?

Jotaro: Because your hottest guy out of all of us

Kakyoin: I- Thanks-

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