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Tw cursing

I'm going to get cake. I'm hungry.
No you're going to tell Tommy he will be not joining us for his birthday.

I couldn't hear myself think, XD was filling my head with commands. God he never shuts up. I swear. I started heading for town to go get some cake to eat. It wasn't very healthy, but I think that's the least of my worries at the moment.

Techno's pov

Tommy bursted into my room and started rambling about something, I couldn't understand it because he was talking so fast. After his ramble the only thing I could understand and it was 'pack your bags'. I was so confused.
"What am I packing for?"

Tommy groaned and crossed his arms.
"We. Are. Going. On. (Y/n)'s. Ship. For. My. Birthday." He said it like my brain was the size of a sweet-berry. We are going on     (Y/n)'s ship? All the voices in my head where saying random things about (Y/n). All good things too. Then one voice mentioned the sunglasses. That shut all of them up. Tommy ran out of my room, closing the door on the way out, celebrating and busting into Wil's room next.

My head was silent for once. It was....weird. I wonder if dad new anything about the sunglasses and if it was the same reason for my mask. I guess I didn't have a choice if I go on the ship or not. I started packing my clothes myself to save so work for the maids. It feels weird my head is completely silent. I could hear myself think.

(Y/n)'s pov.

I walked back with a muffin for myself and brought some for my crew. I stepped onto the boat and it was spotless. It looked perfect. I called my crew and gave them the muffins and they all sat down in their quarters eating their muffins. Bad makes the best muffins. I walked up the stairs on the back of the ship on the platform with the wheel to steer the ship. I sat on the back railing with my legs hanging off of the edge.

I love the feeling of the mist from the salty sea. I closed my eyes, trying to relax. But here comes bored XD.

Why did you like get a different job?
I don't know, maybe because I grew up loving the ocean.
All the ocean is is salt, water, and fish.
Holy shit your right about something.
Hey! Don't get sarcastic with me.
Well what are you going to do about it?

He went dead silent.


I hear my name yelled I turned around and the royal family were on the deck while my crew took their luggage to their rooms. I jumped from off the railing right in front of the family startling Tubbo a little.
"Alright," I looked over at Tommy. "Where do you want to go?" His face lit up.
"I want to go to.....hmmm.. to Dream's kingdom!"
I smiled.
"Lovely place. Well you guys can do whatever you want until tonight." Tubbo looked at me with confusion.
"What's happening tonight?" Phil smiled and laughed.
"It's Kristen and my anniversary." He looked at me. "I'm surprised you remember." I smiled and placed my hands on my hips.
"Anyways, I was told we are leaving tomorrow. So you guys can continue what you were doing and come back tomorrow morning." The family nodded and retreated back to the castle. I turned on my heels. I walk back to where I was. My heel on my boots clicked with every step I took. My heels barely made me taller than Philza. I yawned, and took off my glasses cleaning a few smears and fingerprints. I saw in the corner of my eye that someone sat down next to me.

I put those glasses on so fast, I almost poked out my eye. Honestly if it got rid of XD my life would be so much better. Peace and quiet. I looked over and it was Prince Techno.

"What's with the sunglasses?"


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