Chapter/Day 3 [Rody expresses his feelings WITHOUT Pino!]

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It was the next day and Rody had to get some groceries. He was a bit nervous because his Japanese was "rubbish", or at least that's what he thought. Rody entered the store and began to look for the things he needed. "Eggs, milk, snacks...." He was keeping a checklist in his mind. He was so lost in his thoughts he bumped into a young lady and she fell with her groceries . Rody came back to reality and instantly apologized. "S-Sorry! I didn't mean to!" He started to quickly pick up her groceries and reached out his hand to lift the girl up. Surprisingly, he reconized her! It was Uraraka. "Ms. Uraraka?" Rody questioned. He didn't think he'd see one of Dekus friend's at the store. "Rody?! What a surprise!" She grabbed his hand and fixed her skirt. "What're ya doin' at the store? Dontcha have school?" Ochako had a worried expression on her face, but gave Rody a fake smile. "My mom is very ill and I'm the only one who can take care of her at the moment. It's fine though! Don't worry about it!! School's on holiday break anyways.." Rody saw right through her facade. He put his hand on her shoulder and tried reassuring her. "Uraraka, Im sure your mother is fine. I think it's noble of you to take care of her even when you have school!" He gave her a soft smile and that made her smile as well.

He reminds me of Deku. Kind and reassuring!

Rody decided to walk Uraraka home even though she insisted on him not to. "So, how was your day with Deku yesterday?! I heard a lot about it from him." Rodys face instantly flushed as he remembered the events that happened yesterday. "I-It was fun! I always have fun when Izuku is with me." The expression on his face while talking about Izuku looked like he was in love. Ochako noticed the way he speaks about Deku is different, so she decided to pry a little. "Hey Rody, do you have a crush by any chance?" Rody stops walking completely and looks at her and says, "Ehh??" She giggles and says again, "A crush. Do you have one?" Rody starts walking with her again and continues the conversation. "A crush? N-No? Why're ya askin?" He starts to look down to hide his embarrassed look on his face. "No reason!" The conversation ended there and they arrived at her house. "Thank you for walking me home! I really appreciate it!" Rody gave her a smile and said, "Anytime!" Uraraka wanted to enter her house, but she really is curious about whether or not her suspicion about Rodys feelings for Deku is correct. "Um, Rody. About the whole crush question I asked earlier.." Rody stiffened up again. "D-Do you like Deku?" His whole body froze and turned pink. Ok, he admitted to himself that he liked him but to hear it from somebody else was embarrassing. "I-I don't see how thats any of your business..." He says while scratching the back of his head. Ochako instantly felt regret for asking and also sorry for prying into his business. "I-Im sorry I never meant to um- Ill see you around!" Rody noticed her rushing to leave. "Wait! No! Thats not what I meant!!"

They both sat at a bench near her house in an awkward silence. Rody broke the ice and was straight with her. "Um, so yeah. I-I do.." Uraraka wasn't very surprised as Rody made it more obvious than what he thinks. "You don't think its weird? Yknow, me a guy.. likin' a guy?" Ochako shook her head. "Its not any different from a girl liking a boy!" Rody felt validated somehow. He started to ask for advice. "So what should I do about it? I mean.. obviously we wouldn't work out. Plus! What if he likes someone! And Theres more people out there for him that is a better option than me.. And!.." He began to trail off into more self deprecating talk about himself. Uraraka tried snapping him out of it, but he wasn't listening. "RODY!" Ochako yelled, scaring the living hell out of Rody. "Y-Yes???" "Enough about that kind of talk about yourself!" She looked really mad. She knew Rody was a good guy and especially a good match for Deku. Why couldn't he see it though? "You're a nice guy Rody. Deku obviously likes you whether it be as a friend or more..." Rody smiled at her. "Thanks for this.. I didn't know who I could talk about this with, but you're the perfect person." Ochako blushed. She now sees what Deku sees in him. Some time has passed and then it came to her. Her mother! "Oh my god I forgot about my mom!! I gotta go Rody! This was a nice chat, but I gotta run!" She rushes back to her house and says goodbye.

Rody made it back to the hotel and went straight to the bed. He was beat. He felt relieved that he got his feelings about Deku off his chest. He didn't really think he was as good as a guy as Ochako was making him out to be, but nevertheless he appreciated what she said.

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