Chapter/Day 1

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It was Sunday and Deku was super chipper! He hasn't remembered a time where he felt so good. It must be because Rody is here he thought. His face started to heat up. Lately, while thinking about Rody, Izuku starts to get all nervous and his chest tightens. The green headed boy knows what that insinuates, but he wont look to deep in it. He'd rather keep things strictly platonic so he wont weird out Rody.

Today and the rest of the week is a holiday break for the summer, so Izuku has the week off. Deku speeds to Rodys hotel when he gets the chance to, so they can hang out! As he arrives he goes to the reception office to request to go to his room.

Before entering the room, Deku hears loud voices and angry chirping. He knocks on the door and Rody yells, "In a minute!" Rody opens the door but before he could say anything it looks like he was having difficulty on the phone. "K-Korewa? er no thats not right. Um Korewo Itadaita-" Rody was soon interrupted by the kids fighting over who gets the remote. "Can you guys auiet down?! Anyways Can i get uh.. Oh wait im speaking in english. K-Korewo? Itadaita...." Rody continues to struggle with his japanese and looks super stressed. He doesnt even notice Deku was there. Pino was stressed out and was yelling (chirping aggressively) at the kids to quiet down. It was a mess. Izuku tapped on Rodys shoulder which startled him.

"Geesh! I didn't even know you were here." Rody was a bit flustered that Deku saw him yelling and struggling with japanese. It was embarrassing to him. "I can help ask for whatever youre asking for on the phone if youd like!" Deku gave him a gentle smile. He felt bad for the othean boy. Rody then dropped on the floor with tears in a funny matter thanking deku. Izuku chuckled and proceeded to ask and translate what Rody had wanted. "Thanks, hero! You're my lifesaver." Deku had a slight blush at that comment. The kids were now peacefully watching tv together and now Deku and Rody had some time "alone" together. "I was wondering if youd like to come with me to my hometown! You know, just to stroll around! With your siblings of course! Not just us alone.. Ha ha.. You could come over to my house and meet my mom im sure youd like her! You dont have to if you dont want to.." Deku looked nervous. He went on with his rambling.

Rody interrupted him by patting his shoulder, playing it cool again. "Of course id like to." In contrast his cool demeanor, Pino looked excited and was chirping melodically. Rody was embarrassed by it and Deku let a relived laugh out. "Phew! I was worried you might not want to hang out with me, but with Pinos reaction im guessing you're excited too." Rody blushed and said "W-Whatever lets just get outta here. Roro, Lala, come on we're leaving."

While they were out Deku showed Rody his old school, some places he liked eating with his mom at, and other little things. Deku looked as happy as could be and Rodys heart couldn't take how much his smile made him feel. Pino was all up on Deku and was hugging him. Deku was shocked by this and Rody turned a bright pink and immediately grabbed Pino and stuffed her in his pocket. "Can she breathe in there??" Deku questioned with a concerned look on his face. "Hah hah, yeah Pino is fine, remember shes only a quirk shes not a real bird." Rody reassured. He didnt want Deku To be worried.

After strolling around town. They arrived at Dekus house. Izuku opened the door and his mom was right there. "So this is the boy you always tell me about! Rody, was it?" Deku turned red and shushed his mom. "So you talk about me?" Rody teased. In actuality, he was freaking out.

Deku thinks about me? What does he say? Good things or bad things? Good things?

He was questioning so many things but brushed it off.

"And who are these sweeties?" Dekus mom asked. Roro and lala were hiding behind rodys legs. "They're my siblings, Roro and Lala, say hi guys!" "H-Hajimemashite" they said in sync. "How Adorable!! Theyre japanese is very good!" Rody was very happy as it took him forever to teach them a litte bit of japanese. He gave them a high five and Inko (Izukus mom) Invited them in.

Inko urged Deku to freshen up while her and Rody talked. She walked him into Dekus room and Rodys jaw dropped in Awe. "He wasn't kiddin' when he said he was a huge fanboy." Inko chuckled while giving Rody some tea. "My boy loved All might to death growing up. And is growing up to he just like him too!" Rody felt happy and a little jealous that Deku has such a great mother. His mother died when he was young, so he doesnt remember much about her. "You're a great kid, Rody. Izuku talks so highly of you! And i know you think "highly" of him too." Rody blushed at what she said. She had a suggestive tone to the last thing she said. Kind of hinting theres something more they feel for each other. "I-I dont know what you're talkin' about.." Despite what he said, Pino started chirping and nodding her head. He was more embarrassed than ever.

Thank God she doesnt know what my quirk is.

Inko held Rodys hand and left the room to play with the kids. Rody now knows where Izuku gets his touchiness from, not that he minds it.

Deku was taking a pretty long time in the bathroom, so Rody eventually got bored. He started walking around and he looked at his desk.

Kinda creepy..

There were many all might figurines on it. He sat down on the chair and noticed a burned notebook on the side. Rody wasnt a snoopy person, but he was a bit curious. He started flipping around the pages and it was a whole lot of heros and their information on it.

This is honestly pretty impressive..

Until one page he flipped it was Rody himself! It was him and Pino with his information. But Rody noticed something, there were hearts drawn all around him. Rody blushed and Pino started to chirp very loudly. She was really happy. "Shhhh!!!" Rody shushed.

What am i gettin' so excited for? I-Its.. Its not like i like him or anything. Or want him to like me.. I dont care about the hearts..

He kept trying to pretend he didnt care, but pino says otherwise. She was chirping happily. Rody covered his face because he knew he had a big dumb smile on his face. He sighed really loud and said aloud, "So i guess I do like you, hero.."

"Who are you talking to?" Deku questioned as he walked in the room. "Gah!!" Rody screamed while falling off the chair. Izuku was confused and helped him up. "You didnt hear me say anything "weird" did you?" Rody questioned. He was petrified if Deku had heard his confession. "No? I just heard mumbling." Rody and Pino both sighed in relief and sat on his bed. Deku noticed that his hero book is open. Red started rushing to his face.

So embarrassing!!

He quickly grabbed the notebook and before he was gonna close it he saw that the page was on Rodys stats. He turned even more of a deeper red and started to stutter. "D-Did you read this??" Rody nods and asks bluntly, "What are the hearts for?" He wanted to know if Deku felt the same, or at least something. "Uhm! I-I put them because I was doodling, nothing more i promise!! Im sorry if it came off weird.. Haha."


Was all Rody thought.

So he doesnt like me. My feelings arent being reciprocated. Theres no point in liking him now.

Rody was overthinking and pino started to tear up. Deku, startled, picked Pino up and sat where she was laying. "Rody, whats wrong with Pino? Is something the matter??" Deku was nervous.

Was it something I said? Was it obvious the hearts obviously meant something more?

"Uhm.. Nah its nothin'. Lets go to the living room I think your mother is making us more tea!" Rodys tone didnt sound like he was happy. Izuku definitely knows something is up.

They ended up drinking the tea and talking with Inko. She definitely knew there was some tension in the air, but decided not to intervene too much. Afterall, you cant rush love. Rody, Lala, and Roro were now leaving. Before Rody left, Inko tapped on his shoulder and whispered, "My Izuku has a habit of closing off his feelings. Im sure whatever he said, wasnt what he was actually thinking." She gave him a soft smile and waved goodbye. That sort of reassured Rody. Rody gave Izuku a soft smile and waved goodbye. The Otheon boy left Dekus house with hope left that maybe his mom was right.

Deku probably does feel at least something! He probably is just nervous about it like me, right?

1 Week Of Pino expressing Rodys FeelingsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ