"She needs a doctor ASP.. she's lost a lot of blood" Maria calls out to the man.

"I'll take her"

"No.. she'll want to see him first"

You look at each other confused.. see who first.

Maria takes you to a room at the end of the tunnel, pulling away the curtains.

And there he was, laying in a hospital bed wired up to five different machines. You stand in complete shock not sure what to say, or what to do with yourself.

"About damn time" Nick coughs quietly. Sitting up in the hospital bed.

"Is this a joke?" You hiss. Taking out a taser throwing it at him. "You faked it!" You yell.

Your head shuts off completely, did everyone you care about just wake up one day and decide your fear of loosing people was just a joke. That it would fun to see exactly how much you could take before breaking down. Cause it was closing in.


"What?" You say, trying to keep yourself calm. Your lip quivering as you speak.

"Can I have moment with Agent Jones, get Romanoff cleaned up, she's bleeding all over the chair" Nick says softly, sitting up from the bed further.

You stand with your arms crossed, biting your teeth together, looking down at the ground. As everyone leaves you alone with him. You couldn't even look at him after the stunt he just pulled.

"I know you're mad"

"You don't know anything!" You shout angrily. "cause of you did know, you wouldn't have pulled this" you hiss.. the only reason you weren't crying right now, was because however sad you were, you were way angrier. "I've lost so many people, and when I-" you trail off. "When I thought I lost you, i just couldn't" you say quietly.

"It needed to be done this way" he sighs, slowly scooting over, padding his hand against the bed asking you to sit.

You shake you head, hesitantly sitting down beside him. "Don't ever, ever, ever make me go through that every again!" You yell.

"I won't. Now are you calm?" He asks. "Can I get the others back inside without getting something thrown in my face?" He smiles softly.

"I'm not promising anything" you chuckle. Holding onto his hand.

"Alright come back inside" he calls out. The group had been standing outside waiting. "I owe all of you and explanation, so sit down"

"So you're okay?" Natasha ask softly.

"Lacerated spinal column, cracked sternum, shattered collarbone, perforated liver, and one hell of an headache" he lists.

"Don't forget the collapsed lung" the doctor adds, still tending to Natashas gun shot.

"Right, let's not forget that.. but otherwise I'm okay "

"They cut you open.. your heart stopped beating. I was standing by your dead body for minutes.. there was no pulse" you say softly. You were there when he died.. it looked so real.

"Tetrodotoxin B." He says. "It slows the pulse to one beat a minute, in some cases four minutes. Banner developed it for stress.. wasn't very useful for him, but in this case very useful for me" he explains.

"Why all the secrecy.. why not just tell us?" Steve asks. He's been looking at you ever since you got here.

"The attempt on his life needed to look successful." Maria answers.

"They can't kill you if you're already dead" Nick adds. "Besides I wasn't sure who to trust"

You look down at the ground.. trust no one. That apparently included you.

Love everlasting - Avengers fanficWhere stories live. Discover now