Who the hell is Bucky?

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Jasper laughs darkly. "How could it not?" He chuckles, slowly getting up on his feet. "This new century is like a digital book.. Zola taught HYDRA how to read it" he explains. Looking up at you. "It has everything.. your bank records, medical histories, voting patterns, emails, phone calls.. your damn SAT scores." He shouts. "It evaluates your past, to help look into the future"

"Then what?" You ask.

"Oh my god" he sighs. "Pierce is going to kill me.."

"Answer her!" Steve shouts.

"Then the insight hellicarrier kills them off.. a few million at a time"

This wasn't happening. Everyone who tries to keep the world from war, was going to be murdered in cold bold if you didn't stop Pierce. Including another man you once loved.. Stephen.

"That's enough let's go" Natasha scoffs, dragging Jasper by throat.

"Where are we going?" You asks.

"We're going back to SHIELD"

You manage to get him back inside the car, sitting him in the middle of you and Natasha. Just in case he gets any funny ideas while you're driving.

"When is it launching?" You ask him, putting a gun to his side.

"16 hours" he admits, looking down at the gun.

"That's just great.." you scoff, keeping the gun in place.

"We're cutting a little short on time then" Natasha states.

"I know, well use him to get through the DNA scans and access the hellicarriers directly." Steve explains.

"What?" He yells leaning forward. "Are you crazy"

You push the gun against him, just to remind him who's in charge right now. He lifts up his hands, sitting back down. "That's a terrible id-"

He doesn't finish his sentence before a metal arm
Breaks through the window, grabbing him by the throat pulling him out of the car. As he screams in terror. The man throws him out in front of a moving truck.

Sam stops the car, as you all look around at each other processing the shock. When the man Crawls on top of the car.

"Start the car!" You scream in panic.

Sam struggles to turn the car back on.

"NOW" you and Natasha scream.

You feel a gun shot hit you lower arm, covering over Natasha, as Sam tries to shake him off. The constant sound of gunshots sends shivers through your spine. Sam hits the breaks, as you look behind you. Seeing the man fly onto the ground. Catching the fall with his arm.

The four of you look as the finger marks running through the cement. As he slowly rises from the ground. No wonder he's a ghost story. His long brown hair, framing his face that's covered by a mask. And that arm.. you'd never seen anything quite like it.

Suddenly a car crashes into you, pushing you forward onto the road. Right up to him. He jumps up onto you car again. You try to reach underneath Steve's seat, for you bag. Quickly wrapping you utily belt around your waist, arming yourself with guns, tasers. You throw a gun and a bracelet to Natasha, which discharges a high amount of electricity.

With the blink of an eye, the winter soldier breaks the front window, grabbing the steering wheel, pulling it out.

You and Natasha aims at him, but he quickly jumps from your car onto another. Your heart is racing in your body, as you look around. You can't see him anywhere.

Love everlasting - Avengers fanficNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ