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(This story happened to me personally and is scary)

I was home alone one night last month and I was laying in bed (probably eating chips lol) and watching Markiplier when for some reason I glanced at my closet door and saw from under the door that the light was on (which was unusual) however I didn't think much of it and turned it off, I started to watch more Markiplier and eventually forgot, then I went to the bathroom and came back to realize the light was on again, but I just assumed I had forgotten to turn it off last time and turned t off again, then I went downstairs and made some pizza rolls, and came back upstairs to the (im not kidding) closet light being on again...this time I'm SURE I didn't leave it on so I got one of my knives and looked around but found nothing...I didn't get any sleep that night though.

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