004 . fast times at house byers

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chapter 004 ,
fast times at house byers

                         IF LUCY COULD CHOOSE ANYONE TO BE HER MOM, she would choose Joyce Byers. Everything Jonathan and Will's mother did for them and the ways she cared for them seemed like the stuff of fairytales to Lucy. Having a mom that really cared for her? Please. She would first climb a beanstalk and defeat two giants before her mother would treat her like Joyce did.

     As she sat between Jonathan and Leo on the Byers' couch, Lucy watched with glittering eyes as Will threw himself to land next to Leo, causing the kid to throw the popcorn in the air upon impact. Jonathan and Mrs. Byers groaned playfully, but Lucy just laughed and shook her head.

     "Okay, we have a couple of options," came the voice of Bob Newby, Joyce's new boyfriend. "Fast Times, E.T., Carrie—"

     "Do you have Risky Business?" Jonathan suggested, smirking at Lucy, but she shut him up with a whack to his chest.

     "Isn't Fast Times rated R?" Joyce asked worriedly, taking hold of the VHS from Bob's hands. "I don't know about R..."

     "Oh, come on, Joyce," Bob pleased, holding out his hands. "Fast Times is hilarious! The kids would love it."

     "Aren't there boobs in Fast Times?" Leo asked.

     Lucy flicked him. "You shouldn't know what those are."

He just stuck his tongue out at her in reply.

     "Okay, so, maybe E.T.," Bob suggested, holding up the tape. He wiggled his eyebrows like some sort of seller man Lucy always saw on commercials. "Guaranteed crowd pleaser!"

     Will shifted, lowering his eyes. "Maybe not E.T."

     Joyce, Jonathan, and Leo shared a knowing glance. Lucy just frowned. She knew Will had been through a lot the year prior—going missing, being presumed dead. She wondered what E.T. would have to do with that.

"Isn't Carrie scary?" she asked, just for a change of subject. "I don't do well with scary."

"It's Halloween season, Lucy," Leo scoffed. "Don't be a baby."

"Ooh, I know!" Bob rushed back to his collection of tapes and emerged with a colorful case, holding it up with a grin on his face. "Grease. Everyone loves Grease."

"I love Grease," Lucy agreed. She noticed the disgusted look on Leo's face and shoved his shoulder. "Leo does, too. Right, little guy?"

"Right." He feigned a smile, though she caught him flipping her off in a discreet way from his lap.

     "Alright," Bob said, "Grease it is!"

As many times as Lucy had seen the movie, she still found it entertaining to watch—especially with the Byers. Will and Leo were avid movie talkers; but they both shut up pretty quickly when Lucy and Jonathan gave their respective siblings a forceful hush. Joyce and Bob cuddled on the end of the couch, and Lucy just tried to keep her eyes off of them.

Finally, the film ended around ten. Lucy was ready to get the hell out of there and let Bob and Joyce fondle each other in private.

     Bob stood from the couch and feigned a dramatic yawn, stretching his arms out and rolling onto his tiptoes. He smiled at Joyce.

"Such a great movie," he reminisced, gazing into the distance. Then he looked back to Joyce, his eyes twinkling mischievously, before he began to hum Summer Lovin', poking Joyce's side playfully. "Summer lovin' had me a bla-a-st.."

Risky Business.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora