The Summer

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The fierce sunlight, scorching temperature, and occasional pleasant breeze, were all signature traits of a summertime in Shodo Island. They weren't charming, but they were missed. For the girl, those traits were only experienced through the walks she took at the hospital garden, while the rest of the time they were sealed behind the window. There was no going to the river for stone-skipping, no buying popsicles at the snack store, and no enjoying the breeze under the shade of the trees. The ac kept the room cool, yet to her they were just continuing the frigid winter.

The season almost passed, and the girl didn't get to enjoy anything.

"Do you want to take a walk today?" Her nurse asked.

"Sure." The girl replied.

The nurse helped her get on the wheelchair and pushed her to the garden. They went past the flowers she saw so many times, to the point she memorized everything on their information board. The small fountain that told its age through the cracks and moss masked its white exterior. The stone path with small blossoms and grass peeking out from between the gaps, as if reminding her to hang on.

She did, for months. But she was getting tired.

"I need to go now. You will be fine here right?" The nurse asked.

"I will." The girl replied. "I know you're busy."

"Thank you for being considerate." And the nurse left. "I'll be back as soon as possible."

The girl sat there alone with her head on her hand, watching other people who were also in the garden. She saw some old folks, some alone with nurses and some surrounded by their families, a child looking rather energetic despite the giant cast on his leg. She noticed a boy and a girl in the distance, looking to be the age of middle school. The two were strolling around the garden, chatting and laughing as they walked, seemingly forgetting about the infusion tubes all over the girl's body. Some memories flooded back; ones belonging to back when 'he' still visits. The emotions were sudden and unstoppable, and she burst out into tears.

"Hey, what's wrong?" She heard a voice and looked up. The boy had run up to check on her with the girl following behind.

"Get away!" She cried out. "Lovers like you make me sick!"

"Lovers?" The boy blushed as he took a step back.

"Hey, you can tell me about it." The girl with all the tubes on her said. "Girl on girl conversation, you know? What's your name?"

"N-Natsu." She muttered.

"Natsu-chan, I'm Takagi, and this is my friend Nishikata." Takagi said.

"Are you two not dating?" Natsu asked as she wiped out her tears.

"No, we aren't!" The boy, Nishikata said aloud, looking rather flustered at the idea.

"But you two act so lovey-dovey..."

"Natsu-chan, if you keep saying this stuff, Nishikata here will blow up!" As if to prove a point, Takagi threw her hands in the air, which made Natsu kind of worry about all the tubes on her arms coming off.

"He will?" Natsu was unconvinced yet interested.

"What are you talking about, Takagi-san!" Nishikata said, still completely red in the face.

"Alright, why don't you go grab the cookies you made me. Me and Natsu here are gonna have a private chat." Takagi prompted as she gave him a push.

"Uh... fine..." Nishikata grunted and left, leaving the two girls at the garden.

"So, Natsu-chan," Takagi directed her attention back to the young girl, "only if you want to, but can you tell me why you suddenly cried?"

"It was nothing..." Natsu turned her head away.

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