[Special ]Chapter 22 Revenge of the Spider Queen.

Start from the beginning

'Monkey king!'

'Dammit! No-Wait in times like this once There's a strong Opponent I must make a plan! Yeah! Like 'Retreat to strategize a plan' move!'

Dropping down and escaping the the Spider Queens Mech. He Used his Staff to head towards the docks, he knows that the group will come there since The docks is a safe place and Sandy has some Cool Vehicles too.


Seeing the Food Truck Getting Squashed by Those Spider robots. He Shivered and Landed down to the ground and Beamed a smile once he saw The crew climbing up Sandy's Boat.

"You're here! I thought you turned into one of Spider Queens slaves or something!"


"Kid! We're have you been?!"

"Yeah Dude Are you Okay?! Are you hurt?!"

Bombarding the young boy with questions Mk Cried tears of joy and His Spider phobia again kicks in once he remembered Those small robots and Spider Queens Webs.

"They're Everywhere Okay?! It's so Disgusting and My heart can't Take it! It feels like they're crawling behind my back!"

"Mk focus!"

Slapping His Face, Mei Grabbed her Dragon blade out while Donghai stood from behind Ready to Summon out her Sheilds.

"Well look it's the Kid and His Little friends~ don't worry if you surrender Willingly then the process will be....painless~"

Laughing at them Pigsy and Tang Shivered at the Spider Queens Henchmens. Not until Sandy popped out behind them and Pushed a Button.

"Uh you guys should Better hold on"


Hearing a loud Bang. A speeding Ship Advanced and Hit away the Small Spider Robots. Grabbing them all Sandy Pushed them in the Ship and Immediately started the Engines and leaving up the sky.

"Donghai! Mei! Everyone!"

Hugging Donghai a bit to tight, She Groaned and Pat's his back "Yeah sure. I forgive you for being late but You're not hurt right? Any broken bones or something?" Asking him, Mk can be a Intense type of guy and She's afraid he might have a Broke bones or something.

"I'm fine! It's just that Spider Queen Caught Monkey king!"

"He What?!"

"My Disciple?! He got What?!"

Monkey king?! Sun Wukong his Disciple got caught?! How?! That Gremlin is Straight up brute force and He's even the one that kept on saving Tripitaka whenever he got Kidnapped again or his brothers getting in trouble.

"I-I don't know Okay! The Web is like Absorbing Monkey kings powers and I can't even fight! Not when Spider queen got the upper hand!"

"That's a Good Mindest alright. I know The King got Caught and all but We can't also get ourselves killed."

Patting him Mei Nods and the others also agreed. "It's tough but We'll get through it!" She Grinned and Mk Looked down. How? Spider queen looks powerful right now. She got the city Under her Poison and Even Destroyed alot of Buildings.

"But....she beat the Monkey king."

"Ey stop the negative Thinking"

"Yeah man that's killing the vibes here"

Helping him up, Mei Nudged the young boy gently and Smiled "you did a right thing Mk. In Order to Rescue the Monkey king and possibly the whole city. We can't afford ourselves getting caught. Also-" Hearing a sudden sound of Screaming.

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