Chapter 7

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I've had a bunch of shit happen recently, I'm so sorry I haven't let any of you know but I'm working on this in the car otw home from a family trip. Not to mention I'm getting myself out of an iffy relationship this week, too 😅

Anyways, Enjoy!


Recently, Ron was released from the hospital wing and he was back on his feet, doing fine. Lavender had been very livid about the whole thing that happened, clearly by the way she was holding onto the spoon and practically digging it into the table while glaring at us from across the Great Hall during lunch. Ron and I were next to each other, thighs toughing as he tensed up with his arms crossed on the table. Hermione was reading the Prophet across from me, Harry doing the same over her shoulder. I notice a few flurries of snow land on the table and as they keep coming, I look up to see them falling from the sky.

"Ron," I nudge him gently, "Ron, stop, you're making it snow," I look up again and place my hand on his upper arm, finally gaining his attention. He follows my gaze and blinks a few times and looks at me as Harry wipes down the table, "Tell me how I broke up with Lavender again?" I squint a bit and bite my lip lightly, trying to put my sentence together carefully, "Well... She came to the hospital to visit you... and you talked. It wasn't necessarily a long conversation.." I look up at Harry and he raises his eyebrows slightly.

"Don't get me wrong, I'm bloody thrilled to be shot of her.. Its just, she just seems a bit put out." Ron tilts his head and gestures across the room with his chin to a patricularly pissed off Lavender, still digging the back of her spoon into the table. "Oh, yes.. she does, doesn't she?" Hermione blinks awkwardly as she turns back around to face Ron and I. Glancing between her and Ron a few times, I stop and turn to him, "You say you don't remember anything from that night? At all?" Ron looks at Harry and thinks, "There is something.. but it cant be. I was completely boggled, wasn't I?" He lets out a nervous, airy laugh and look to the two opposite of us for help. Both of them give him a sympathetic look as they go back to the Prophet. My lips form a small frown as I shift over a bit, away from Ron, "Mhm.. Right, boggled."

Hermione watches as a group of girls walks by, then reaches back and taps Harry's chest with the back of her hand. Gesturing over to them, she whispers, "Harry, look, that's Katie." His nose scrunches when he looks at her, but as she grabs the sides of his jaw and redirects his vision, he understands. "Katie Bell." She repeats. He grabs her hand and holds it in his as he looks after Katie, letting their touch linger a bit. Mione looks at their hands and her lips purse, trying to contain a smile, before he gets up and walks after Katie, taking the beat up Potion book with him like it's his lifeline.

Aftr a few words are exchanged with Katie, Malfoy was awkwardly standing and watching them interact. Harry turned around and he bolted out of the Great Hall, causing Harry to follow after him. Hermione leans out from the table and watches as they run out, looking back at me after they've left. I shrug and look over at Katie with her friends, still confused about the interaction.

Back at the Common Room, Harry appears and tells us about what happened with Malfoy when they ran. He told us he used one of the spells in the bloody Potions book and Malfoy was spralled out on the floor, bleeding everywhere. All of us stare at the closed, tattered book on the table in front of the couch. Hermione takes it upon herself to take Harry away and get rid of the book, however that method may be.


Once Harry and Hermione return from the Room of Requirement, he had an epiphany while talking to Ron. The three of us sat on the floor in front of Harry as he held the Felix Felicis in his hand, looming the descision over. All of us sit in silence, waiting for Harry's next move. Eventually, he pops open the small vial and takes it all down in one quick swig, "How do you feel?" Hermione asks, taping her fingers on her knees quite nervously.

"Excellent. Really Excellent!" Harry smiles and stands, we all follow suit. Hermione, placing a hand on his arm, says, "Remember: Slughorn usually eats early, takes a walk, and then returns to his office." He nods once and responds, "Right. I'm going down to Hagrid's."

He moves past Ron and I, going to grab his coat. Mione follows closely behind, "Wait, but Harry you have to go and speak to Slughorn! We have a plan." He nods, shrugging on the coat, "I know, I know, but I've got a really good feeling about Hagrid's. I feel it's the place to be tonight! D'ya know what I mean?" All three of us respond in unison, "No."

"Well, fine, just trust me, I know what I'm doing. Or Felix does!" He smiles and turns to leave, saying hi to whoever's in the doorway. "Bloody hell, what's gotten into him?" I turn to look at Ron, sounding just like him. He looks back at me, smiling as if I'd made him proud. I tilt my head, confused, "What?" He laughs a little and shakes his head. I turn to look for Hermione but seeing as she's already left, I look back at Ron and smile up at him, "Looks like it's just us left, yeah?"

"Looks like it, yeah." Ron smiles and I walk in front of him to go to the couch, but before I do, he wraps his arms around my shoulders and pulls me so my back is flush against his chest. I put my hands on his arms as he laughs slightly again. I feel my face burn up as I found myself missing him more than I thought since he was with Lavender. He puts his chin on my shoulder and tells me, "I missed you, ya know. A lot," I look at him from the side and smile a little, looking into his gorgeous cerulean eyes that I had yearned to see for the past few months. He squeezed me a little making me giggle and move my hand to the back of his head, threading my fingers through his hair. He moved forward, pushing me to walk over to the couch and he let go. His warm embrace left me and I stood there like an idiot for a minute.

I whipped around to see where he went and he was placing a Wizard's Chess set on the table in front of us. I look at him, a bit confused, but he just sits on the floor in front of the couch. He waves at me to sit and I take my spot next to him. "C'mere," He wraps an arm around my waist and hoists me to the spot sitting between his legs. I bite my lip as he does, trying desperately to not make a surprised noise.

Instead, as if it were a normal occurrence, he wraps his arms around me and leans his head on my shoulder, "Pawn to C3," As the piece moves, I wrap my arms around his and we continue the game. "You know what, Ron?" I stare off at the board and the pieces scattered. He tilts his head on my shoulder and hums. "I don't play chess often, but when I do, it always reminds me of when we were kids. That giant chess set was terrifying, wasn't it?" He sighs, " Yeah, suppose it was. We were all really small, too. Well, you're still small, but thats not the point." I lean forward with an offended smile and he chuckles, sitting up and leaning back on the bottom of the couch. "Hey, I'm not that small!" I whack him gently on the leg and he laughs again, "You're smaller than Harry, so that makes you pretty small, yea?"

I laugh and lean back onto his chest again, "He'd kill you if he'd heard you, Ron." He nods with a smile and stretches his arms up and behind his head, "Bloody right, you are. Still doesn't mean I'm wrong." His chest moves with more laughter and I feel a flurry of butterflies in my stomach, "You're an idiot," I look forward to the game to avoid his gaze as my blood rushes to my face and ears.

"Always have been, Y/n, you know it," He leans back down and his breath grazes my neck as he gets comfortable again.

Bloody hell, Ron, what have you done to me? Fred and George said I was head over heels but I didn't honestly think it was this bad..

Hey everyone, Happy New Year! I hope everyone is well! I hate that I apologize every time I resurface, but here I am, apologizing again because I feel terribleee. So much has been thrown on my plate recently and I hate that I havent had time to stop and write, but here I am now, I get home in 5 hours so, I'm gonna try and keep writing even though the internet is real bad.

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed it, let me know if you see any mistakes in the comments and thank you all again for staying here and being so patient <3

Word Count: 1637

The Red Head Who Stole My Heart ~•Ron Weasley x Reader•~ (Book 6; Year 6)Där berättelser lever. Upptäck nu