In the end Shego gave up first and rested against the cool brick wall of the building they were in. She slid down and patted the cool floor for Kim to come sit down. Kim was exhausted and didn't hesitate. 

Pg 3 

Shego gave a real smile as her breathing came back to its normal state. "I wanna show you something." Kim watched as Shego pulled down her jumpsuit enough for Kim to see her black lace bra. "Here." Shego said as she pulled the bra a little aside for Kim's eyes to see a marking there. 

"Oh, you have a tattoo." Kim said, looking at it better, but feeling guilty for looking at the woman's breast area. No bigger than the size of a penny, a black circle had a small green heart inside of it. Within the heart was a letter. A cursive K lay on the woman's skin. 

"You have it you know." Shego said without looking at Kim. 

"Have what?" Kim asked curiously. 

"My heart, Kimmie." Shego said honestly. 

Kim woke up screaming. Her green eyes searched her room for any sign of Shego. Taking in a deep breath and letting it out she began to calm down. "It's just a stupid dream." She had to tell herself. 

A pounding on her bedroom door came quickly. Her parents both yelling out several things at once. Kim got out of bed and ran to open the door. "I'm so sorry to wake you guys. I just had a horrible dream." 

Both parents we're very relieved. "Good thing it wasn't life threatening." James told his daughter with a sleepy smile and yawn. 

"Right," Ann said and hugged Kim. "Go back to bed and dream something with small fuzzy kittens in it." 

"I'll try and goodnight." Kim saw the tweebs coming around the corner. Her parents told them it was all a dream as they went to different bedrooms. Kim though left her door open and crawled back under her warm CuddleBuddy covers. She so hoped that all of this had been just a wickedly bad nightmare with no such truth to it. 

Pg 4 

The next morning Kim woke up to thoughts about the crazy tattoo on Shego's skin. Surely there was no truth or proof that it even existed. Even if it did it didn't mean the K was about her. It could also stand for another family member or Killigan. Duff Killigan, crossed her mind and she laughed out loud. There was no way Shego would ever be interested in him, or could she? 

On her nightstand her Kimmunicator buzzed and Wade came on the screen. "Hey, Kim!" He called out. 

Kim shoved her Pandaroo slippers on her feet and ran over to grab the device. "What's the sitch, Wade?" She inquired. 

"The Upperton Wilde Zoo has been broken into. Animals of all kinds have been let loose. Rumor has it that Drakken and Shego are up to no good." Wade told her as he typed quickly and pulled up the satellite view to look at. He zoomed in and found a blue figure on top of a building. "Now confirming a  Drak-Go situation, Kim!" 

"I'm on it!" Kim said and smiled as Wade signed off. She got clothed in her battle attire as quickly as possible. 

Arriving with Ron at the Upperton Wilde Zoo, she told him to go one way and her the other. Ron didn't like the idea at all. As long as he didn't run into any monkey's he'd be all right. He found the exotic birds as Rufus climbed up his shirt and sat on his shoulder. 

"You might wanna sit this one out little buddy. There's all kinds of strange animals that might think of you as dinner." Ron said and Rufus squeaked and scrambled back into the safety of Ron's pocket. 

The birds snapped at Ron as he tried to be friendly with them and put them back into their various cages. He got nipped a lot of times and cursed at every bird in there. That only lead to more attacks on him and he finally gave up and ran off. 

pg 5

Who had let the big cats out? Who .  .  . Shego had and was regretting it. Drakken had wanted only the penguins, but as usual Shego wanted things her way. Let various animals out of their cages to roam amuck. Shego didn't like that the animals were attacking each other even though she knew they probably would. 

To actually see it happen was a whole other situation. One she wanted out of. Quickly walking across a small path she noticed someone. Someone being seriously watched by a ravenous tiger. The red hair and small stature were enough to know it was Kimmie without seeing her face. 

Shego had to act fast. There was no way in hell she'd let the tiger take Kimmie down before her. "Hey, kittie!" She said and threw a small rock at it's head. The tiger felt the rock, but it didn't turn to Shego it got up and lunged at Kim. 

"Move!" Shego screamed out as Kim spun to see the large tiger falling toward her. She immediately dropped and rolled away. Shego was stupid enough to throw her green fire at it. The tiger then attacked her. Together they fought tooth and nail as Shego managed to get the tiger back near its cage. 

One of the zoo workers,  a middle aged man yelled for the tigers attention. And tempting it with a large piece of steak. Hungrily the beast dove for the meat, almost taking the scared mans hand with it. He gladly locked the tiger safely back in his cage. 

"Takes care of that one. Now there's a handful of other animals we need to get too." The man told them. 

Shego rolled her green eyes and helped out. Soon everything seemed to be back to normal. 

Walking in the parking lot Kim stopped Shego by grabbing her left wrist. Mistake! Shego went into fight mode and Kim had to back off. "Whoa! Hold on. Look, I just want to thank you for saving me." Kim honestly said with a tired smile. 

"It's no big deal." Shego told her and began to turn away. 

Kim spun her around and hugged the woman. " . .  . but it is." She whispered. 

Shego carefully hugged her back and quickly kissed Kim's face. "Okay." She wasn't sure how to touch Kim so she pushed her away. Awkward and gooey was how Shego felt right now. She was disgusted with her feelings. Words she was even very shocked with came from her black painted lips, "Wanna get lunch?" 

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