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You scrolled through some pictures on your phone. Stopping when you saw one you and Eli took together , you sighed lovingly at it. You've always had a huge crush on him, but knew he wouldn't like you back the same way. You stared at it for a few seconds before the silence being interupted by a small buzz.

You looked up and saw a text from the one and only Eli. You blushed a little as you tapped the notification. Wondering what he could want this late

Eli- Are you still up??

Y/N- Yeah, why

Eli- I was wondering if you wanna hangout 

Y/N- ummm, sure 

Eli- I'll pick you up 

You set your phone down, and quickly got up from your bed. You threw on a pair of clothes and ran a brush through your hair. Now all you had to do was wait. A couple minutes later you heard a faint knocking at your window. You turned your head to it in shock, but realized it was probably just Eli 

You got up from your bed and went to the window. After opening it you could see the person more clearly. Just like you had assumed, it was in fact Eli. "Here, I'll help you get out" he said whispering. After he helped you climb out your window, you slowly shut it. But leaving It cracked enough so you could get back in.

You both walked to his car, and got in. A couple minutes after he started driving you broke the silence "Where are we going?" You said looking at him. "Its a surprise" he said grinning with his eyes still on the road. 

After what seemed like hours he finally stopped driving and parked his car. After you both got out you looked around the area. You were amazed, there were trees surrounding you both. But the place you were both at had a small opening in the trees, leaving a breathtaking view of they sky.

You looked over at Eli, who was now laying on the hood of his hearse. "How did you find this place" you said looking up at the sky. "I was driving around one night and I just found it" he said shrugging. 

For a couple minutes there was an akward silence. Since you didn't know if you should lay next to him or just stand there. As you were still contemplating it,  he eventually broke the silence. "You can come lay next to me" you turned your head to look at him, meeting his gaze. You blushed a little but quickly made your way over to him.

You hopped up on the hood and layed back, looking up at the starry sky. You soon turned your head over to Eli, but he was already looking at you. He blushed a little and sat up "I'll be right back" he got off the hood and opened the car door, turning on the radio.

He got back on the hood next to you with the music now filling in the dreadful silence. You listened to it as you watched the stars glistening in the sky. You started to rest your eyes until the sound of your favorite song started playing. You jumped up "I love this song!" You hopped off the car and went to turn the radio up

You started to dance, you looked over at Eli who had his eyes on you. You ran over to him "come on dance with me" You held your hand out to him with he took instantly.  You pulled him up and started to dance with him. As the song ended you were both smiling, you looked up at him realizing the situation you where in. His hands where around your waist while your hands were on his chest.

You started to blush, but hoped he couldn't see because of how dark it was. He slowly brought one of his hands up to your cheek caressing it softly. "Did I ever tell you how beautiful you are" he said slowly leaning in giving you a soft gentle kiss on the lips. You smiled into the kiss, hoping it would never end.


Word Count: 693

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2022 ⏰

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