I could feel a smile forming on his lips; his hand was stroking my waist as he slowly, very slowly started moving back to my neck.

Then unexpectedly he began to suck on my skin and I let a gasp slip because of his surprising move, I couldn't keep my eyes open, "G-Ghostface?" I whispered, he didn't stop, I was beginning to feel weak in my knees when he marked my neck with a hickey.

He stopped and I opened my eyes, "oh" he sounded sad, "you burned that one" he said as he took the spatula and moved the burned pancake on the plate, "I'm sorry" I said kinda embarrassed, "oh well, I'll eat this one" he said as he grabbed it with his hand and ate it all in a single bite before fixing his mask.

"I think we have enough pancakes, what do you want with them?" He asked showing me cream and chocolate.

"I'll just eat them like this" I said turning around to look at him, I gave him a quick little smile before picking up the plate full of pancakes and bringing it to the table.

"Mh alright" he sat on the chair in front of me and I did the same.

"So, come on, I know nothing about my roomie. Let's do a game: I ask you something and you can ask something to me, but I won't promise to answer" he lifted his mask only under his nose, making me able to see his lips. He began to eat.

"Really?" I asked surprised.

He nodded and gave me a quick smile, "Ladies first", I raised my eyebrows in surprise once more, "alright so, how many people did you kill?" He tilted his head a little, "I don't know. If I count them... then it is going to look like I care" he shrugged.

"You aren't wrong" I grabbed a pancake and ate it, "well my turn... let's see... how many people did you date?" He asked happily, "So you basically asked me the same question I asked you but with another word?" I asked smiling in confusion, "well... yes"

"Not many" I said casually, "I do mostly one night stands. So that everyone is happy and then goes back to their lives" His mouth was slightly open, "Well fuck... Caleb must have found out" I rolled my eyes at him, Ghostface was smiling proudly.

"What's your name?" I asked, it was my turn and decided to ask something big.

"Mh... just call me Jed... but it's not my real name" he was careful, "Jed?" I asked, he nodded "Sorry but..." he tilted his head "what?" He asked "nothing, nothing" I smiled but covered my mouth with my hand.

"I never heard about your parents or siblings, where are they?" He asked while eating another pancake.

"I don't know where my family is... they went missing some time ago" I frowned for a second but then snapped when he sneezed, "Are you okay?" I asked "sorry... allergies" he whispered.

"Are you allergic to something?" I asked "yes... to sadness" I rolled my eyes "alright my turn-" he stopped me "what no wait you asked about allergies... it's my turn" I nodded.

"Damn I didn't think that we'd get so deep, I would have preferred to ask about colors or animals... well then... have you ever been in love?" I was surprised "um... maybe? No? I don't know?" He chuckled "Got it" he smirked.

"Alright then smartass, same question" I confidently said, "Yes" he immediately answered... "oh... really?", he nodded "yes... well... it's complicated", "why?" I asked one more question.

"Well because she- Woah wait a minute that's a double question... nah-ah that's not fair" he fixed his mask and stood up, "what are you doing?" I asked a little scared, "I'm sitting next to you" he confidently said and did so, resting his arm on the back of my chair.

"So are you going to make your question or..." I asked waiting for him "nah... this game is boring and I lied... I know almost everything that I had to know about you" he turned his head to look at me.

While you're here (Ghostface x fem reader)Where stories live. Discover now