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I woke up not feeling the warm embrace from before anymore, I sat up and sighed remembering what Danny talked to me about.

Did he feel lonely in that realm he talked about? Is killing people not enough for him? I could have asked him.

I rubbed my eyes before getting up and heading towards the kitchen where I wasn't surprised to see Danny, I smiled softly and looked at the time, it was almost lunch time.

I walked towards Danny, he was cooking and his back was turned on me so I hugged him from behind, I could swear I felt a slight flinch from him.

"Well, hello there sleepy head. You are extremely stealth you know... you should work with me", he chuckled and turned around after turning off the gas, "And what would my name be?" I asked with a sleepy voice, Danny tilted his head to the side and wrapped his arms around my waist, "what do you mean?" I smiled, "Well... if you're Ghostface... what would my name be?" I asked again, "oooh... well... you should wear a mask, that would explain your name" he caressed my cheek, "Like your mask?" I smiled, "Well, it's white and it's shrieking so... I guess but who knows"

"Is it supposed to mean something else?" I began to grow curious as he was being a little unclear, "Have you ever seen that one painting called 'the scream'?" He put his hands on the sides of the mask as if he was scared, I chuckled "I did, it's very similar now that you make me notice it" he turned his back on me again.

"What are you making?" I tried to peek but Danny didn't want me to, "you'll see in a bit. Go and sit down I'll be right to you" he had a happy tone, I did as he suggested me and walked to the table, I grabbed a chair and sat down.

My phone was still turned off and I was very glad about that, then I noticed another phone on the table, Danny's one.

I was about to look closer to it but Danny's voice interrupted me, "Here comes the good stuff~" he hummed happily walking towards me with two plates, he put one in front of me, then he sat down and put his plate in front of himself.

He cooked some scrambled eggs and some bacon, very classic but I didn't mind.

"Thank you" I smiled softly at him, he nodded one time, "Well we made a deal, remember?" He asked as he lifted his mask showing his mouth, he smirked, "can I ask you something?" I said taking a bite of bacon, he nodded "sure, but as always, I'm not promising to answer you" I nodded and widened my eyes in surprise, "Well fuck this is DELICIOUS" I exclaimed at him referring to the food, he chuckled.

"Of course girl! There's not time for shitty food in this house!" He confidently exclaimed and I chuckled, "Alright, now to the question. Did you... by any chance...feel lonely in that realm you talked about?" His smile completely faded for a second, but it soon came back, "well, at first maybe... yes, but then another killer arrived and he... and his girl... changed everything, I think that those two are in the list of the most important people to me" he smirked, I was happy for him but I couldn't hold back another question, "Am I in that list too?" I nervously asked, he looked surprised, "well, y-yes of course" he stuttered, the confident Ghostface... stuttered.

"Alright, one last question... which is actually more a request" I chuckled a little nervously, he smiled "Can I see the two you were talking about?" I asked, his lips turned into a big smile, "Of course! But obviously... don't tell anyone that you know what they do" I nodded and rolled my eyes, "I'm not stupid Danny" I whispered sassily at him, "well... are you sure?" I death stared him, "I'M KIDDING" he stated, before grabbing his phone, sitting next to me and showing me some photos he took of the two, I had already saw that couple, in his room, the picture of the Korean man and the girl that I thought was his girlfriend.

I smiled and felt relieved to see that she was only a friend and probably the girlfriend of the other man, "they met in the realm, she was a survivor while he was a killer" I looked at him surprised "was it possible?" I asked as he moved his head in a uncertain way, "well let's just say that the killers didn't have a problem with that... the other survivors on the other hand didn't really appreciate it"

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