How You Meet

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You were on a stroll through Pinwheel Forest. As nice as the scenery was, it got boring very, very quickly. You were getting ready to turn around and leave, when you saw a boy, who was just...staring at you. He had black hair, black eyes, and mostly black clothing, except a white pair of  shorts.

"Uhm...hello?" You said, slightly confused. Your words seemed to snap the boy out of his trance, as he blinked, and said "Oh, I'm sorry, I wasn't paying much attention to my surroundings." You couldn't help but wonder how he managed to keep absolutely no emotion in his voice.

"It''s fine." you responded. Despite the strangeness of spacing out and staring at someone, he didn't seem to be a threat. The two of you sat in silence for a few moments untill you decided to speak up. 

"My name is Y/N. What's yours?"

"Omori, my name is Omori."

"That's an...interesting name." Omori went back to staring at you for a few seconds, until he began to walk away. No goodbye, no hand waving, he just wandered off.

Strange kid.

Dream Kel 

Despite your attempt to get enough sleep last night, you couldn't help but want to doze off. Sitting down in the playground, you attempted to fall asleep, ignoring Berlys constant bickering and Brows' occasional screaming. Once you finally managed to sleep, you were almost immediately woken up by Berly's shouts.

"TEN HUT!" You groaned a little. Last time you tried to ignore Berly's cries for attention, she almost got you banned from the playground like Boss was. As you got up and shambled over to Berly, you noticed something. There was a group of 5 others that you didn't recognize. They, along with everyone else, had lined up, as Berly stated that the group would be playing Hide and Seek.

"Here in my hands, I got some straws. See? Everone here's gonna pick a straw. The one with the shortest straw is gonna be 'it', and will have to find everyone else! Sounds easy enough, right?" Berly explained. She insisted on going through the rules every time you played Hide and Seek, which was almost every day. Berly passed out straws to everyone, and after comparing sizes, it was revealed that yours was shortest. You sighed, and walked over to the tetherball poll to begin counting. Closing your eyes, you heard the sound of many feet scrambling for a hiding spot. Once you opened them, everyone was gone...except one boy, who was sat right behind the poll. You rolled your eyes, and peeked over at him.

"Found you. You really need a better hiding spot." You said. The boy smirked.

"Oh, found me." He said sarcastically. "Well, now that I was caught, I might as well help you find everyone else!"

You stared at him a bit. "You got caught intentionally, didn't you?"


You couldn't help but smile a little. "But...why?" You asked. He shrugged.

"You looked tired, and it seemed like you didn't want to be it, so I decided to help you. My name's Kel, by the way."

"Y/N, my names Y/N."

Dream Aubrey

You were on the Outskirts of the Vast Forest, examining a tree stump. You could have sworn you heard voices coming from the inside of it. You heard a series of thumps comming from the inside, untill a person popped out, followed by two more. One of them began shouting.

"OH YEAH, FRESH AIR AT LAST! Gotta love that nature." None of them seemed to notice you. "Well, let's go!" The same boy shouts, as they begin to rush off. A different voice shouted from the stump as a face popped out. 

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