Chapter Two

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It's been two days since I met Chase. I thought it was best to give it a little time before I texted him. I have thought of so many things to say to him in the past two days. It's all I could think about. I wanted to make a lasting impression.

After much deliberation, I decided just to go with something simple and sweet.

~Hey, This is Raven. You gave me your number the other day. Sorry it took so long to respond.

Only a minute passes before my phone vibrates, notifying me that Chase has responded.

Him~Hello Raven! It's fine! I figured you were busy with school or family.

Me~Something like that! :)

Him~HaHa! So how have you been for the past two days?

Me~Fine, I suppose! How about yourself?

Him~ Practicing guitar, so tired!

Me~ So go grab Starbucks!

Him~I'll get some under one condition.


Him~If you'll meet me there now.

Me~Fine, but you better not be a serial killer.

Him~ ;)

I honestly couldn't believe I was doing this. I had only met Chase once. At least I had seen him therefore I could confirm that he wasn't a fifty year old who lived in his mom's basement.

I told my mom that I was going out and I headed out the door. I had paid no attention to what I was wearing. It didn't matter, if he was actually interested in me, he wouldn't care that I was sporting ripped jeans and an ACDC shirt.

I stood outside of Starbucks, making sure I was ready to do this. I wasn't always the best at dates.

I walked into the small shop and watched as he waved at me to come sit down. I approached the table and he stood up, pulling my chair out for me.

A smirk played on his thin lips as he took a seat across from me. His eyes twinkled a bit, making my heart melt.

"It's a pleasure to see you again Raven." He said very cordially.

I played along with his charade. "Likewise."

He chuckled lightly. "I bought you a coffee." He said a bit awkwardly as he handed the cup to me.

I took a sip. "Yum. Thanks." There was awkward silence and I began to dread this date.

"I want to be honest with you." He began and I looked into his beautiful blue eyes. "I'm not good at this whole date thing, and I've been trying to hold back from playing my usual game of twenty questions." He joked.

"Who says I don't like twenty questions?" I say in the most innocent voice that I can muster.

He took that as the green flag to begin. "Middle name?" He asks quickly.

"Lea. I hate it." I answer at the same speed at which he asked the question.

He once again throws another question at me. "Favorite song?"

"Just the way you are." I say with a slight blush. That was the song which was playing when we first met.

Chase smiles back at me. "Favorite book?" I should have known that question was coming.

Such a hard question indeed. How does one answer that. "Right now I'd have to say The Book Thief, but it'll change in a week or so."

"Favorite childhood memory?"

"Um, my first puppy, I guess."

"My turn." I declare and he raises an eyebrow. "You asked me questions, I get to ask you some. Happiest memory?"

He smiled. "When I got my first guitar. I was six and it was love at first sight."

"Saddest day of your life?" I asked a bit more seriously. Chase thought about it for a minute.

"When Katherine broke." He obviously saw the confusion on my face and decided to elaborate. "Katherine was my first guitar."

I threw my head back, laughing. "You named your first guitar, Katherine? What kind of six year old boy names his guitar Katherine?"

Chase begins to blush a little as he scratches the back of his head. "I don't know. It seemed like a good name I guess..." He trailed off.

"Okay, then. What would you have said if my name was Katherine?" I smirked.


"What do you call it now?" I purred, not even realizing the flirt in my tone until I had already spoken.

"My lucky day."

A/N~ Sorry, for it being so long. It is my fault. Adeline kept asking me to look it over and add my stuff, but I forgot. I'm sorry guys! I hope you like it!!!  If you have any ideas, please let us know. We can't promise to use them all, but we will be looking at them all! Thanks for being so patient and supportive! Yours Truly, F!

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