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A racket could be heard from within the other room from the hounds and makima shouting occasionally

After waiting you became inpatient, pressing your arms down you lifted yourself up from the seat you walked slowly to approach the kitchen.

Your eyes scanned the room to find some of the dogs sitting and others jumping but also find your attention was taken in her direction

She stood facing an open fridge with light shining from it helping to outline her figure.

It was perfect, slim waist, big tits and big ass you couldn't help but stare and be hypnotised by her movements

She must of senced your presence as she body rotated in your direction. You blushed slightly trying not to draw attention to how you'd been looking at her for awhile

In her hands were small tubs of ice cream with strawberry and villina flavours, her face smiling once again at the sight of you

'This is one of the best desserts I have in at the moment, hope that's okay' she stated walking over to you and handing you the tub 'anything is fine' you replied back

The both you and her made your way back to the living room and plopped yourself on the sofa, you sitting a little tensely while she sat upright with her legs crossed

Opening the ice creams the two of you tucked in and ate it for awhile. The flavours were fruity as you chose the strawberry one and enjoyed each bite

You felt her eyes upon you for a minute or so but tried to pay no attention to it intill she leaned towards you

Smiling and tilting her head slightly she spoke

Obey me - Makima x Fem reader Where stories live. Discover now