Chapter 1 ~ the calm before the storm

Start from the beginning

But after what felt like forever, the music was still playing, and still very much loud. You groaned as you climbed out of bed, slipping on your outdoor shoes before walking out of your apartment. You sprinted down the stairs, coming down to the second floor, the one below yours.

You walked over to apartment 203, the source of the music and knocked on the door.

No answer. You huffed, knocking again but louder. This time, someone opened up the door. It was a man, probably in his early twenties who seemed oddly familiar to you. He had tousled ginger hair and piercing ocean blue eyes. You could hear several other voices behind him in the apartment, which meant he was probably playing music because he was hanging out with friends or something.

He was wearing a plain white tee and some black sweatpants. You had to admit, he was pretty good-looking. But that wasn't enough for your annoyance at him to go away, so you immediately cut to the chase.

"Hey, uh, it's like 11pm. Could you keep the music down? Some of us are trying to sleep," you asked, trying to be as polite as possible.

He looked down at you and smirked, "and what will you do if I don't?"

You blinked, the question catching you off guard, "pardon?"

He leaned forward to stare at you, his face a little closer to yours than you'd like. Before you could get away, someone pulled him by the collar of his shirt.

"Childe, stop harassing the neighbours," another male voice called out as a shorter man came into view, one with purple hair. Another woman came to the door, one with long blonde hair and looks that made you simultaneously flustered and jealous.

"Sorry, dear," the beautiful blonde woman told you, "It's just that this brat loves to be a menace to society. We'll keep the music down."

"You wound me, Signora," the ginger retorted to the blonde woman.

"Um, right," you cleared your throat, "thank you, have a good night."

You quickly turned on your heel and walked away, sighing in relief as the music was indeed turned down to an acceptable volume. You hurried over back to your apartment and back into the warmth of your bed.

This time, you managed to drift off into sleep.

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You yawned as you grabbed your backpack, slipping on your shoes before walking out the door to head out to your first class. You hadn't slept well that night for whatever reason. The day was great so far. You woke up, texted Diluc and had enough time to make a filling meal for breakfast. The sky was clear, your first class was a class you enjoyed. And yet, you had a pit in your stomach. You felt as though something bad was going to happen, as if this all was just the calm before the storm.

As you were walking down the stairs, you passed by the ginger neighbour on your way down.

"Oh? You're the girl from yesterday," he mentioned. "Good morning."

"Morning," you replied curtly. Your impression of him wasn't all that great because of last night.

"I didn't catch your name girlie," the ginger walked beside you as you exited the apartment complex.

"Y/N," you said. "You?"

"Call me Childe," he smiled.

"Right, Childe-" you began as you fumbled with the straps of your backpack, "why are you following me?"

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