Chapter 273

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"Why did you leave the hospital?" Jennie Manoban scowls at Haruto in the hospital ward. He seems fine, but she knows that he's been poisoned at the restaurant. Liam is with the doctor at the moment. They will find out about the effect of the poison only after the test results are out. "Getting into an accident and then, getting poisoned... you are living your life, aren't you?"

"Sister-in-law, you also ran away from the hospital once." Sitting on the bed, Haruto chuckles when she makes a face. "You're worrying over nothing. I am completely fine. She gave me the antidote."

"I can't believe that a kid poisoned you." Viori furrows her brows. Not just poison. Tezuka Henry was found dead. How? They found a child's footprints near the body. But a child couldn't have killed an adult like that. She knows a little about Kirishima Mira. During the interview, Jennie Manoban did mention the Kirishima family a few times.

It's impossible. But the girl's aura was completely different. Kirishima Mira talked like an adult. There was a certain arrogance in that girl's eyes. Viori shudders as she recalls the events of the prior night. The wine glasses were laced with poison. So, the target was Tezuka Henry. But why? Viori knits her brows when nobody answers her, "How could a kid do that?"

"She's a little different," Jennie Manoban mumbles, not wanting to get Viori involved in the matters of the Consortium. It seems that things will work out between Viori and Haruto. But poisoning... What is Mira up to? Her son is still in love with Mira. Lily is Maddox's daughter. Their entire family is dragged into this mess whether they like it or not.

It all comes down to her decision. If she hadn't accepted Maddox's offer and joined the DH, nobody from her family would have gotten involved in this. She sighs. The past can't be changed. They must prepare for the future. She glances at Haruto. "Listen to me. Don't follow my footsteps. All of this is happening because I was unreasonable back then. There's no medicine for regrets."

Haruto purses his lips and gives her a nod. He understands it fully. There are past decisions that have added to his regrets. If he hadn't been unreasonable with Iori, they wouldn't have been apart for so long.

"I want to warn you." Viori has been observing both of them. The deep lines on Jennie Manoban's forehead with a complicated look in those dark eyes are enough to tell her that something big is going on. How could she, a journalist, ignore this? "I'm going to look into Mira Kirishima."

Jennie frowns at her. "You shouldn't."

"I agree with Sister-in-law." Haruto takes Viori's hand. The Kirishima Family had links with the underground world. "I don't want to lose you."

"She poisoned you." Viori grimaces at him. "Tezuka Henry was brutally killed. When I was looking into Leo's kidnapping, I found out that her entire family was killed. Her father was killed in police custody. A child like that is not normal. I can't ignore this."

Haruto Manoban exhales. She's not going to back down. He doesn't want to repeat his past mistakes either. "Fine, but you must promise me that you will prioritize your safety over anything..."

"I can't make promises like that." She scowls at him darkly. "You nearly died twice recently. I don't want it to happen ever again. I am going to find that girl."

"Won't I feel the same?" He glares at her. "If you get hurt, what would I do?"

"But--" Viori is interrupted before she could speak.

Jennie raises her hand. Did the others get a headache like this whenever they watched her argue with Liam? From now on, she will argue with her husband only when she's alone with him. "Both of you should think about each other. Haruto should prioritize Viori's safety and Viori should prioritize Haruto's safety. Now, think about how your actions will affect your loved ones."

If she has followed her own advice in the past, they wouldn't be in this mess.

Outside the ward, Leo Manoban leans against the wall and stares at the floor. So, Mira is killing people. Why is he surprised to hear that? Why did she kill Tezuka Henry? Was that man her enemy in her past life?

She killed Maddox who was Valerie's father. Valerie Kang is her cousin and a competitor for the power that the Consortium has. But why is this so important? Must they do things in such a violent way?

He's sure that Mira killed her mother and grandfather.

How did she become a person like that? Yuki was pure in a way but Mira is twisted and heartless.

What would she do to his family if she finds out that Valerie is with them?

His parents don't want to send Valerie back to the orphanage. He can't treat her like a little sister anymore. How could he do that? His family is in danger because of that girl.

Valerie hasn't done any crime yet. She's just a child, unlike him and Mira. But there's no way that he can ignore the fact that she's related to that twisted cult.

And he doesn't want to choose between Valerie and Mira.

What should he do? He can't kill Valerie either. His family doesn't have enough power to fight the repercussions. Mira might leave them alone if she gets the throne. Still, they will get dragged in the battle. Then, there's a third power that will appear in the future.

Things have changed so much. If Mira keeps killing people like this, the power scale will be disturbed.

Future is no longer predictable.

In his second life, his only goal is to keep his family safe. Valerie Kang and Mira Kirishima are not a part of his family. If they pose danger to anyone from his family, he will kill them both.

But... He purses his lips. A doubt crosses his mind. Can he kill Mira?

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