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This is an au where the killing game didn't take place, but they're all still their "in-game" selves.

I'm going to try to write in 3rd person. I've never done this before, so please let me know if there's anything I can do better/different (or if you just like 1st person pov's better).


The time was 4:13pm, and Shuichi was currently rushing to the hospital. He was in a panic; going over the speed limit, maybe accidentally running a red light or two... He wasn't really thinking about obeying the proper traffic laws at that moment. He had a perfectly logical reason to be so panicked. But, to fully understand, it would be best to take some time to look back at the events that took place beforehand.

It was about 3:30pm on a Saturday. Shuichi was sitting in his apartment, occupied by him and boyfriend Kaito of course, reading a book on the couch. Kaito had plans with his friends that day, so Shuichi was home alone. It's not that Shuichi didn't like the fact that he spends time with his friends; he thought it was good that Kaito had the chances to go out and have fun every once in a while! He just honestly missed him. Then again, this is coming from the guy who starts to miss his lover when he's just in the other room. If only the world knew exactly how hard the detective fell for the astronaut.

Before he left, Momota did make sure to shower his boyfriend in so, so many kisses. And of course, we can't forget the tight hugs as well. Kaito had also promised that he would make it up to him, even though Shuichi insisted multiple times that there was nothing he had to make up for. But of course, Kaito always has something planned out for Shuichi when he can't spend every moment of his life with him.

Shuichi started to get bored of the book, seeing as this was his 3rd time reading it. He's a bookworm, and this happened to be his favorite book. Right when the detective set the book down on the couch, his cell phone started to ring. He wasn't really the biggest fan of talking on the phone, but of course he will for other's sakes. He took the phone out from his pocket and looked at it, hoping a little bit that it was just some random number he didn't have to answer. But it wasn't; the person calling him was Rantaro. This was strange, because Rantaro was supposed to be hanging out with Kaito.

"Hello?" Shuichi asked, picking up the phone.

"Hey, Saihara..." Rantaro answered. "You're.. gonna want to hear this..."

Something was wrong. The tone of Amami's voice, the random calling, the detecive's intuition; it was obvious that things weren't right. A million worries started to flood Shuichi's mind. Did something happen to Kaito? Did he not show up? Did he disappear? Did something happen to him? Or maybe he... No, no. As Shuichi's worries grew, his thoughts became more absurd and intense. Kaito would never do anything bad to him. He's never say anything bad about him either. He knew that. .....Right?

"W-What's up?" the detective stuttered.

"Well... Long story short, we had to take Kaito to the hospital. He-...." Rantaro trailed off. ".... I'll let him tell you what happened. But, you might want to come over here as soon as possible. I'll see you soon. "

The other line hung up, and Shuichi froze. Kaito was... hurt? What happened? Why wouldn't Rantaro tell him what happened? After the slight panic attack, Shuichi realized something: he needed to go see Kaito, now. So, he quickly got up from the couch and went to his room to grab his keys. Once he snatched the keys from the dresser, he quickly made his way out the door.

The detective practically ran down the stairs into the parking lot, definitely skipping two or three on his way down. He sprinted towards his car, not really caring if anyone thought he was crazy or whatnot for being in such a rush. Shuichi put the key in the ignition, started the car, and quickly started to make his way towards the hospital. There was only one hospital in town, and Rantaro would've specified if they were somewhere else. He continued on the roads, going over the speed limit just so he could see if his lover was okay.

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