Carry out! Class Rep! I - Episode 5.1

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In somewhere in the room, Emilia fell down her bed as she exhausted herself for class rep.

"This is so hard..." – Emilia

Puck congratulates Emilia being class rep for a class which filled with all those strange creatures. Emilia admitted it too although it was exhausted. Puck saw Emilia happy about it though. She commented that everyone in this world is really unique although Puck doesn't sure (unique) is the best word but yes.

"Nobody calls me the (silver-haired half elf) here." – Emilia

"Nope" – Puck

Emilia doesn't what kind of world this is or how they got here. She thinks Roswaal might have answer for it but she wants to do what she can in this world. Puck agrees. Although it really hard, she still wants to her best. Puck also stick with Emilia and back her up with everything he got. Emilia really thankful for it.

"And, um... I've never been to school, so this is tons of fun!" – Emilia


Next day, in the morning

Subaru, Rem and Beatrice walking to school by foot, it seems Subaru learned his lesson for being late.

"Subaru, how is it, taking care of the animals?" – Subaru

"Pretty crazy." – Subaru

"Crazy?" – Rem

Subaru told her that when he was in Animal Care, he sees the bigger djungarian Hamster than he used to. Hamster was surprised Subaru know his species and Subaru explained that he knows the one was smaller than him and difference, too.

"My lord once said the same thing." – Hamsuke

Hamsuke unconsciously let her instinct take over and chewing Subaru's head without herself unnoticed herself too.

"I can't hear you. Could you stop chewing on my head?" – Subaru

"Hey, Hamsuke!" – Aura

Now Hamsuke noticed it.

Aura apologized Subaru for Hamsuke doing and panicked when see Subaru covered in blood. Subaru mentioned how Hamsuke chew on he and ignore everybody for unknown reason.

Aura angered Hamsuke and said that she should know better than that. Hamsuke told Aura that.

"For some reason, every time I see Subaru, I get really exited!" – Hamsuke

Subaru was surprised about Hamsuke excited when seeing him. Aura has no word for it and signed.

"Is chewing on me some kind of animal communication ritual?" – Subaru

"I feel so bad about it" – Hamsuke

"Then stop chewing on me!" – Subaru

And that is it. after hearing Subaru's story, Rem immediately holding her weapon to defeat that monster. Subaru was surprised and remind her that Ros-chi said no to start fighting.

"There is a beast that ignore me, Aura and Aqua too." – Subaru

"Which one?" – Rem

"Well..." – Subaru


In Flashback

Unknown location near the Animal Care's Area

"C'mon, you should listen to us!" – Aqua

"Like I thought, I remembered I tamed similar wolf Fenrir like this but why this wolf wouldn't listen to me?" – Aura

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