The sleep over (Part 2)

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Elsa POV
Kristof:Oh great now he's mad
I was really that harsh.Here comes the guilt.Oh great now marshmallow is chasing them down,and now he covered in icicles...Great Elsa,just Great
Okay so Marshmallow threw Anna,Kristof,and Olaf off a cliff.Anna's hair started to turn white,and Kristof took Anna to the trolls
All of the boulders started to circle Kristof,
All Trolls:Kristof's Home
troll child:Catch me!
Kristof:Oh your getting heavy,good for you
Anna:trolls,Their Trolls
(All of the trolls turn their attention towards)
Female troll:AND he's brought a girl!!
All trolls:A GIRL!!!!
Troll 2:Is it a real Girl?
troll 3:She's like a little cupcake
Anna:Whoa! What's going on?
Kristof:I don't know,I just learned to roll with it
Bulda:Let me see,bright eyes,working nose,strong teeth(opens up Anna's mouth)
Bulda:Yes,Yes she'll do nicely for our Kristof!
Kristof:No,No you'v got the wrong idea
Anna:No (chuckles)wait you've got the wrong idea
Kristof:Um no,wait
Anna:That's not why he brought me here.We're not (chuckles)
Kristof:Right We're not..I'm not (chuckles nervously)
Bulda(spoken):what's the issue dear?
Why are you holding back from such a man?
(Play video here sorry guys I'm not in the mood to do lyrics )

Time skip to anna's sacrifice

Elsa:Just take care of my sister
Hans:Your sister,she returned from the mountain cold and weak.She said that you froze her heart....she's dead because of you
the storm stops and elsa falls to her knees crying
Hans with drew his sword
She took the hit for Elsa,she turned to solid ice
Elsa:ANNA! no no no no no Anna
she was crying
anna slowly started to unthaw
Anna started breathing again
they hugged
Elsa:You sacrificed your self for me
A:Because I love you
E:love...Love will thaw LOVE!!!
she unthawed everything
all of the towns folk cheered
(Skip what ever hans says he ain't worth my time)
Anna stops Kristof from punching and ...(My fav. part)
Anna:The only frozen heart here is your's
she turns away and punches Hans right in the face
"Heck yeah!!!!!!!"I screamed,and mindlessly elbowed Jack in the nose(a/n when i saw this movie in theaters i did the same thing to my best friend sorry)
"Ooooww"Jack groaned holding his nose

Skip to end of movie
the screen showed:
In memory of Queen Elsa of Arrendalle .
Then it showed a video of me saving my sister

"I think it's time to go to bed"I said yawning,every one looked tired
"Good night"

Jack POV
in the morning
"AAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh"I heard screaming
"The kids are missing!!!"

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