Man In Moon

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Elsa POV
I stormed out crying
We should have never trusted you
Frozen Hearted Witch
and what hurt most........
I had just gained Tooth's friendship
Bunny respect
North trust
Jack.....well love
He broke my heart
well more like crushed and smashed it into millions of pieces
But the truth is
I am a frozen hearted witch
I'm a threat
a danger
a trader
Then There was a shooting pain on my left shoulder
"Aaaaaaahhhhhhhh"I screamed in pain
I felt cold blood run down my arm
"No,conceal,Don't feel,don't feel"I mumbled
I flew to my empty palace in pain
the walls were showing my emotion
Black and orange
This can't be happening
I walked to my room
I couldn't fly because of my pain
I looked in a mirror
my wound was a huge blistering gash
dripping from it was black and orange sand
I went to the bathroom to wrap the wound
I came back out and tried to make a ice dress but it stung to much
so I went to my closet and pulled out a light blue jean shorts
with a light blue hoodie
The pain in my shoulder went down so I could now fly
I grabbed my bow and noticed that the once glittering red string has now turned a dim pink
My power is decreasing rapidly it's only days before I am...........human
when I was about to fly out but I heard someone
"Elsa?" Jack
"Look I know your here,and I know you hate me right now, look I just came to say sorry"He looked like he had been crying
Why would he be crying when He Is The one who called me a monster
I landed on the ground,but when I landed My ice shot up the walls under my feet
I am a monster
"Why are you here?"I said
he was startled he spun in a circle
I stepped into the light out of the shadows
"Elsa"Jack sighed and ran over to me and gave me a hug
"Sssssssssssssssssssssssshhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh"I hissed in pain and collapsed to the ground
He let go of me
"You okay?"He said with a concerned look on his face
"Don't touch me,I'm a monster"I cried
"I said sorry okay"He said annoyed
"Sorry?Sorry! You can't just say sorry after what you just said!!!!!!"I'm losing it
"What more do you want,a box of chocolates?"He said mocking me
"That's It"I Yelled
that was the last thing I remember before the hate and Fear took over

Jacks POV
"That's IT" When Elsa said that
Her eyes went black
the ice walls turned bright orange
the doors froze shut
the string of her bow turned a inferno Orange flam
She lunged at me
throwing punches
knowing Elsa the punching bag she broke
made her stronger
much stronger
She started kicking
I dodged and dodged
When I landed a hit on her
Her Eyes flashed Their snowflake light blue iris
"ow"She whimpered crying
She looked up
I had punched her in the eye
she was curled up crying
I touched her shoulder
She immediately froze
I took my hand away
And stood back
she stood up
facing me looking me in the eyes
she turned away
I took a step closer
She quickly spun around
and punched me square in the heart
I heard the impact of her fist contacting my chest
the impact was so hard
a shock wave spread across the room
I was sent all the way across the room slamming into the Ice
I can't move
I sat for 5 minutes unable to move
When I was able to look up I saw elsa Holding the pose of when she punched me
She was panting
Her eyes had been black
She stood up straight
the walls flickered back to blue
Elsa's bow string was now back to a dim pink
Lastly her eyes were back to a blue snowflake iris
Her body jolted
She inhaled a huge breath
Then exhaled
she collapsed
She started coughing up black and orange sand
She noticed I was staring
"This is what happens when love dies Jack"She said wheezing
The moon appeared shinning brightly in the sky
"ELSA....JACK......COME NOW"I loud voice boomed
"Oh No"I heard Elsa whisper
Next thing I Knew The room was filled with bright white light
---------------------Moon Realm--------------------------------
Manny POV
How did it come to this
They need to stop arguing
If not I don't know what to do
I stood in front of my silver mirror
-----in mirror-------
"This is what happens when love dies Jack" Elsa
Oh Elsa
what happened to you
your love is gone
You refroze your heart
To protect the ones you care about.....
the one you love
The Madness must stop

"ELSA......JACK.......COME NOW!"I said sending them through a portal
I walked down stairs to watch them arrive
I have to say
It has been along time since I have had any company
Last person that was here was Elsa
She was here when I made her a spirit
My guests are here
I come down to see Elsa strangling Jack
"Hey!"I yelled
Their heads quickly turned towards me
Jack was filled with fear
And Elsa looked like a demon
Elsa is being controlled by tempest magic
Since she is so weak and love is little she is easily controlled
"Elsa Stop!"I said motioning my hand
She relaxed,her eyes were back to normal her bow turned back to a dim pink
She collapsed on top of Jack who didn't seem to mind
"Thank You"Jack said picking up elsa
"Jack?"Before I knew it they were kissing

This is awkward .......

They parted
"Thank you"Elsa said looking at jack
"I think we both needed it"Jack chuckled he set Elsa down
I realized that Elsa had a black eye and wound on her left shoulder she was hiding
"Elsa,long time no see"I said catching her attention
"Manny!"she rushed over and gave me a hug
I hugged back avoiding her bad shoulder
" in the Man in Moon?"jack said in shock
"The one and only"I smiled
"Wow....wait Elsa he looks different than what you showed me"Jack said
"You showed them!?"I yelled
"I showed them what you looked like the way I remembered you"she said with her hands up in surrender
"I see,Elsa you need to be healed before you become human"I said worrying about her back
"Become HUMAN!?"Jack said frantically
"I told you already Jack,this is what happens when love dies"Elsa yelled
"Right"Jack said
"Elsa I need to see your back"I said
"Why?"she said uncertain
"Elsa,you can't fool me I know what happened"I stated
"Elsa the wound will kill you"
"It's what Tempest wants,right? Give him what he wants,any ways I'm a monster "
"Elsa your not a monster"jack jumps in
"Stay out of this JACK"she yelled her eyes flickered
"Jack get her to the wall"I ordered jack
He nodded
"Jack don't make me,please"Elsa begs
"You can't disobey the man in moon"he grits
Jack pins her to the wall
"Elsa I can't let you die your a Guardian"I said removing the hoodie
Her entire neck and left shoulder is wrapped up blood showing through
She was wearing a black strapless shirt underneath the hoodie
"Elsa who did this?"I said
She is chocking on her words
Temp is trying to take control
"Temp!"she chocked on her words she was fighting him mentally
With that I saw her eyes turn black Jack hid behind me
I instantly shined the moon light on Elsa cleansing her wound returning her power
Her bow glowed it old bright red the heart on her hoodie returned
But then jack pulled out a necklace that seemed to be glowing
"It's her mood necklace it broke when she refroze her heart"He said handing it to me
"Give it to her when she wakes up she needs you"I said handing it back to him
"Don't give up on her when she needs you most Jack"
"She was chosen for a reason jack,because one day Jamie will be gone and you would be alone....but with Elsa...There is a brighter future you will see...have Jamie and his friends meet Elsa" I said
"I will and thank you"
"For what?"
We turned and saw Elsa barely awake rubbing her eyes
"Can we go home yet?"she whined

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