Playgrounds arent fun.

Start from the beginning

Dreamery grabbed his hand but was then instantly pulled from the chair too his feet.

"Hello there Dreamery, names Fundy!" Said Fundy, shaking his hand, Punz rolled his eyes and pulled his tongue out at Dreamery and pulled Fundy to their desk, making him let go of his hand.

Ask their classes went on starting with reading, leading to science then lunch.

As lunch finished, Dreamery lost Techno through the crowd of kids, and instantly got nervouse and pulled out the paper he was given to head to math class.

Dreamery was only able to walk a few meters till he got stopped by a teacher, "So, you're Dreamery? The rude kid who didn't mind asking me who you were. Why do you even wear that ugly box?" She spat, making Dreamery back away, the teacher grabbed his arm tightly but before she could do anything or speak, someone cleared their throat.

"Miss Fauler, what is this." Said Mrs. Louse, with a angry like expression on her face, making the other let go in fear.

"Oh well you see, he pushed me and he attempted to run away so I grabbed him and-" "I watched the whole thing. I think you and me need to talk about this in privacy." Snapped Mrs. Louse, not letting the other female finish.

As she stomped away, she turned her gaze immediately at the boy, who had his hand inside the box, crying.

Dreamery quickly ran towards her and hugged her, "Thank you.." he whispered loud enough for her to hear, making her smile, "Dont thank me, I never seen her like this, and for your safety, I'll let you spend the rest of the 20 minutes in my room, then I'll let Techno lead you outside for recess, alright?" Dreamery, not knowing what either of those things were, agreed and was lead to her office where he spent his time on the pillows.

After 20 minutes, there was a knock on the door, as she opened it, Techno was there with a worry look on his face.

"Did I do anything wrong?" Asked Techno, Mrs. Louse shaked her head and replied saying she needs him to lead Dreamery outside to the playground, wich he agreed on and both boys left while saying goodbye, following by Dreamery thanking her.

As they went outside, Dreamery found himself rather confused, "so those tubes are for sliding down? And those bars with circles are called monkey bars?" Replied Dreamery, after Techno explained to him on the way.

Techno nodded and explained to the boy what the rest of each things are, making Dreamery be fascinated, since he never seen anything like those.

"Technoblade!" Exclaimed a voice, it wasn't Punz or Fundy, since it sounded a bit more pitched up, as both boys turned they saw a girl with short pink and green hair, and another boy that looked highly taller that had a plastic crown, high heel boots, sunglasses on, and what appear to be a purple-pink-blue Cape on his back.

"Niki! Eret!" Exclaimed Techno, As both of them walked over to them, they talked for a while till they headed towards the slides.

Dreamery stood as he watched the 3 leave towards the games, he walked over to a near tree near another mini playground and sat there watching the bugs.

"Hey there freak." Said a rather familiar voice, before he was able to look up he was kicked in the stomach and dropped to the ground.

Punz laughed at the amusement of the weak boy, with Fundy quickly following with a small chuckle that ended rather faster than usual.

Dreamery felt Punz's shoe on his box. Quickly putting pressure causing him not to lift his head up.

"So this is the freak you were talking about Punz?" Replied another voice, Punz smiled, "Hell yeah it is. Now come over here and help me out Zak." He replied, the diamond boy pulled Dreamery from his sweater collar up, his box already squished, making it a bit difficult to breath.

Suddenly, he felt hands on the side of his box, and felt it go up, he felt his heart thump fast till he suddenly removed Punz's hands away from the box, wich was a bad idea.

"Oh, so you're being a little brat now. What a mistake." Laughs Punz, following to Zak joining in. "Why are you still alive? Someone else deserves to live that isnt you!" Snickered Zak.

Dreamery felt tears form in his eyes, his nose was already bleeding and them saying this made him feel rather weak.

Out of nowhere, Punz pulled the box of his head and threw it to the floor, revealing the paper mask Dreamery forgot to remove.

Zak looked over at Punz, "ready?" He replied, Punz nodded and looked at Dreamery, he lifted his fist and after that, Dreamery's sight went dark and there was only ringing in his ear.

"Hey! HEY!" He suddenly heard, he was now behind a different tree that was thicker than the other, Dreamery lifted his head up, signaling he was conscious again. "Oh my god you are okay, I'm glad I carry my backpack wherever I go.." said Fundy in relief.

Dreamery had a white bandage like cloth around his face instead his mouth, but, he could see, Fundy had put it on him while attempting to not see his face since he respects privacy.

As he looked to the side his heart dropped. His paper mask was completely covered in blood, not to mention his own.

Fundy sat there with him and asked, "can you speak? I'm making sure you are alright." Dreamery attempted to say something but it hurted to speak, till finally he replied.

"Playgrounds arent fun."

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