Chapter Four

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At that, the boys where so scared, you would at think at least one of them would pee their pants.

They hurried to find a room to hide in, but it was just another hallway. How strange? They tried again, this time with another door, it was just another hallway!

They tried and they tried, hoping to find one door to open to a new room, but not luck, all where hallways.

They decided to walk into one of the hallways, one by one.

"Mike, you go first." Calum had said while pushing towards the door.

"Why me! Why not you!?" He snapped, obviously scared.

"Because I said so!" Calum shot back and, before the older boy could do anything, he had pushed him through the door.

At first, Michael was relived that he hadn't died while coming through, then he was confused, along with the other boys, but for different reasons. You see to the other boys, Michael had disappeared, but to Michael, they other boys had gotten in front of him with out moving.

"Hey guys! How'd you get there so fast? I thought you wanted me to go first." Michael asked, jokingly, but still confused.

They swooped around, frightened, from Michael being behind them instead of in front of them.

"How'd you get back there?" Ashton asked, obviously confused.

"How did I get back here? How did you get up there?!" Michael counter-asked.

"Guys, I think this is the same hall way over and over." Luke said, "I-I don't think it wants u-us to leave this r-r-room." He stuttered.

Suddenly, Michael saw something behind the boys, something up ahead in the hallway, witch was almost impossible considering that would mean it would be standing in the same place as him. It was a dead body. A kids body to be exact. In fact, it was a little girl about the same age as the voice that screamed out when they first entered the dreaded orphanage. "I guess she was right about who ever comes in here dies."

"Why would you say that?" Calum questioned, but they all had puzzled looks on they're faces.

"Look behind you," He pointed, "it's a little girls body. She looks around the same age as the girls voice we heard when we first stepped foot in this place."

"There's nothing there Mikey." Luke said coming forwards a bit to see the expression on his mates face.

"Wha-" he was interrupted by a loud child's laugh coming from behind them.

Suddenly, Luke and Michael grabbed on to each other, as if that would save they're lives.

The turned around, finding a little girl, holding a bloody knife, with a hallway full of dead kids behind her. At least that's what Michael saw, to the other boys, they saw a sweet little innocent girl that wouldn't harm a fly. She had long blond hair, sparkling blue eyes, and looked about seven years old.

"Hi!" She screamed with a high-pitched, little girl voice. "My names Allison!"

"Hi Allison! I'm Ashton! This is Calum, and those two hugging goofballs over there are Michael and Luke." Ashton explained. "Do you by any chance know a way out of here? We where playing hide and seek with another little girl and we got trapped."

"Oh no! Follow me! That girl is my twin sister Maggie, you should never play hide and seek with her! She's a meanie!" She said worriedly "But don't worry! I won't let her touch Lukey, Mikey, Cally, and Ashy! I know the perfect way out of here! Follow me! She chirped as she ran off to a vent in the wall. "In here! She'll never find us!"

They followed her into the vent, witch surprisingly held everybody. For some reason, every opening the vent has, Michael just can't help but look through, and in every room, all he sees are dead kids, weather it's one, or twenty! But the boys just don't believe him.

"Okay everybody! In here! She'll never find us!" They all crawled out into a strange room, a lab to be exact. It had stretchers witch in michaels eyes, had sheets covering body's, but to everybody else, just regular stretchers. It also had walls of jars, filled with strange body parts, like lungs, hearts, and even BRIANS! But once again only Michael saw that, to the others, just empty jars.

They kept walking around, still following Allison, wondering if they should really follow her considering she's a kid, and she probably don't even know where she's going, at least that was until they reached a door. As they opened it, a voice rang out, but this time, not a girls voice, but a mans.


Hope you liked it! It took forever to write as you can see. This chapter is dedicated to @NiamhHemmings99 for being awesome and liking this story so much and bxndtxbers for being an amazing writer and giving me this idea!

Should I do a Q&A?

What do you think is wrong with Michael? Should they trust Allison? Who is the man?

Give you're ideas if you have them! The next chapter won't be out for a while so please don't stop reading.


Word count (should I keep doing this?): 888

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