The wind is among us

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Waking up the next morning, I looked at my alarm clock to find it wasn't actually morning at all anymore. It was going on 2:00 in the afternoon. I had 20 text messages from different people, 3 missed calls and two voicemails.

One of them was from my boss. "Shit." I audibly said, sitting up and wiping the dreariness from my eyes. Getting up and brushing my teeth, I looked in the mirror and I made a face of horror. It looked like I had been run over by a bus, and walked home like nothing had ever happened. I was a wreck.

Laughing while cringing at the same time I carried on brushing my teeth and fixing my hair. Applying light makeup, I finally sat down and went through all of the notifications.

20 texts from mom, dad, grandma, and two from Sloane.

I racked my brain of the events that happened last night and smiled to myself. First day here and I already made a friend.

Her messages read, "Hey Ariana! Sorry I am texting you so late, I was just wondering if you got home alright, we were out pretty late tonight. I walked you halfway home but you told me you were fine and that I could go home. I hope you found your way and thank you for hanging out with me tonight! I had a lot of fun."

The second one, "Hey, it's me again. Im assuming by the fact that you didn't answer you either got kidnapped or you're dead to the world. You looked exhausted haha. Im going to be optimistic and tell myself it's the second one. Well, at any rate, if you get this, when you wake up please text me back yeah? Just let me know you're alive! Okay, bye!"

I chuckled to myself at the "dead to the world" line, because it was true. I slept so hard that I didn't wake up until almost 2:30 in the afternoon.

I hit reply and typed out, "yes I am alive haha. I JUST woke up. Thank you for getting me out of my shell last night and for helping me with my assignment. It meant a lot that you cared about to do that for me so thank you for that. I appreciate it more than I can even tell you."

Her response came almost immediately. "Well, what are you doing right now? Thank you for the update also! I'm at the pier. This house you were looking at yesterday looks beautiful from here right now. I mean, it was beautiful last night but right now? Oh man."

I laughed again, "Alright, let me throw some clothes on and ill be there in 10."


Grabbing a pair of athletic leggings, with a matching color knitted half sweater and my favorite sports bra, I tied my light chestnut colored hair into a high ponytail, like she had hers in yesterday, and gave myself one more look in the mirror, my dark brown eyes looking back at me. I smiled, feeling okay enough to leave the house, and I set out to meet Sloane.

I stood at the beginning of the long bridge, took a deep breath, and started my way down. Halfway across the bridge I let out a blood curdling scream as a huge gust of wind nearly knocked me on my ass and left me clinging to the railing like a little kid.

Sloane saw this and started running to me, "oh my gosh Ariana are you alright?!"

I got up, half smiling half laughing. "Yes. My gosh that scared the crap out of me!"

We both started laughing as we finished our way down to the end of the pier.

She was right. The house was even more beautiful now than it was the night before. It's windows shown bright through the trees, the lights were again left on, and the trees were tall, with the front white gate adding to the fact that it was probably a very expensive, and, albeit, a very very beautiful house, both on the inside and on the outside.

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