The crash

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Third POV

Richard Hammond looked at the car infront of him. He felt sick to the gut at the name of vehicle in massive atalic lettering in bold purple against the bright yellow it looked like a banana but Hammond knew damn well he was face to face with the car who nearly took his life in 2006. He took a shaky breath before walking towards it as he pressed his trembling hand on the side.

"H-He-hello a-again..." he stammered he was terrified of this car. The dragster Jet powered car....Vampire. "D-Do I-I have to dri-drive this again?" He was starting to panic as he back away from the vehicle before falling into Jeremy's arms. Jeremy knew what was going on through his friends mind even though he hates to admit it himself he still has nightmares of the day he crashed it. Through clenched teeth Richard struggled to calm down as James sat down infront of him placing his hand on his shoulder.

"You won't be driving this, Hammond. Okay? You are safe you won't be hurt by this anymore..." James tried to keep his voice reassuring as he heard Hammond's choked and shaky breaths. He whimpered in response as he nodded. Jeremy smiled at that as he rubbed his friend's back gently.

"Only if I could escape the panic I feel when I'm faced with that blasted car!" He groaned as he scrubbed his hand over his eyes whiping away his tears. He didn't want to be seen crying before the show started. Just then James thought of an idea on how to start the show using the same car.

"How about Jeremy!" He exclaimed both eyes from Hammond and Clarkson shot up panic written over both of men's faces Richard was shaking again he would hate to see his best friend in the same position as him. "You sure that's safe?" Clarkson asked with incredulous look on his face "I mean if I crash the bastard I would be dead. Not like I'm going to have you or Hammond do the Kiss of life on me!"

"Well it's what you have to do, we don't want you dying Jezza!" James retorted as he noticed the fear on Hammond's face he was beyond terrified now...

"One thousand Pounds" Jeremy announced putting his hand out for James may to shake. He knew it would be a lot to pay but if anything happens to him, James will he paying the price! James smiled before replying to the deal.

"Deal!" May exclaimed shaking Jeremy's hand. Just then Hammond was felt as if he was going to throw up his lunch the idea of possibly something going wrong today filled him with so much anxiety in the gut he couldn't take it. He instantly scrambled and ran over to nearest Bush. He he harshly gagged as he threw up his sandwich from earlier. He heaved out with staggered breaths tears threatened to spill from eyes.

"Do you want some water, Rich?" James asked as he nodded in response passing Hammond the bottle of water. Richard chugged it down the entire bottle in one minute he was sure to be exhausted cause he just been sick. Whiping away a tear that started tumble down his cheek he gave a weak smile and thank his friend. Jeremy walked over and hugged Richard close to him.

"I'll be okay, Hamster." He said softly. Hammond sqeaked at the nickname and snuggled himself into the crook of Clarkson's neck. "You better fucking be." He grumbled before letting go. Richard gave Jeremy a sturn look. "You better be okay or else I kill you, got it?"

"I promise you, Rich. I won't get into a crash." Clarkson announced pinky promising his younger friend. James looked from afar he knew there was something between them two. Out of the trio they seem to be the closest. But then May remembered Richard's accident and how distraught he was finding out about his brain injury.


Everything was set. James May vowed to give Jeremy the thousand pounds after completing the full race length in the Dragster. Richard was beyond terrified as he watched as Jeremy put on the safety helmet before winking at Hammond. He tried to smile back but the anxiety just coiled in his stomach. James watched intently as Clarkson climed into the seat of the Jet-Car. The crowed was screaming, cheering and chanting as Jeremy made sure to buckle himself in. Taking a deep breath as he watched as the timer ticked down. As the timer reached zero the clakson was heard as Jeremy slammed his foot down onto the exhilarater. The crowed screamed in excitement as the Jet flew itself down the race track its firey back end looking like a rocket being taking off as Clarkson speed down the track. He was breathing fast making sure to keep an eye on the road so he doesn't end up getting injured.

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