Can You Be My "Boyfriend"?

Start from the beginning

Time skip

I was sitting in the Café Leblanc waiting for Shirogane.

Kei: Hello have you been waiting long.

Y/N: Oh umm hi Shirogane-Chan.

Kei: no need to be nervous. Anyway let's talk about what I ask earlier.

Y/N: So the only thing I'd like to know is why?

Kei: *sigh* Let me explain.

A few weeks ago
Kei shirogane p.o.v

I was just pointing things away when I noticed something in my desk.

Kei: Again with these love letters.

Kei's female classmate 1: No way another one man why don't you respond to them you might meet your soul mate!

Kei's female classmate 2: Yeah maybe it one of the sport boys or maybe one of the boys prodigy or even Elory he's so cool.

Kei: It doesn't matter it more annoying then anything else.

Kei's female classmate 1: What why the boys here are dying to be with you.

Kei's female classmate 2: Yeah I hear the boys all the time saying "I would being with Kei she so awesome and smart". So why not try.

Kei: because most of them would won't stop talking about it and bragging about it all the time so it not worth it.

Kei's female classmate 1: Hmm you did you say something Shirogane.

Kei: It Nothing.

I noticed 2 people who look like a couple. Then I thought of an idea, maybe if I'm with someone the other boy's will stop this nonsense and leave me alone with this stuff but the question is who. Then I saw Y/N Kashiwazaki he normally by himself and seem shy but he hasn't seen to be instead in me...hmm maybe him

A week later

For the past week I have kept an eye on Kashiwazaki-Kun an he might be my best shot and beside if he helps me the other students might leave him alone too and I can help with his cute shyness...wait what did I say...anyway I'll talking to him at lunch

The present
Y/N p.o.v

Kei: So yeah I was thinking of if you can be in "relationship" with me it might stop the boys trying to ask me out or send love letters. I know it kind of wired but you don't have to say yes.

I was thinking if I should say yes, after hearing that I kind of get it and if I can help I think it would be better for her

Y/N: Umm I have no idea how to be in a "relationship" but I can help you.

Kei's face lit up with a cute smile.

Kei: Thank you so much it will help a lot. So I have some rules for this idea.

Y/N: So you have some type of plan.

Kei: Sorted of, so will be "together" until the end of are third year here then will "break up" during high school and if anyone for our school goes to the same high school just say we both deside it.

Y/N: Okay that makes since.

Kei: Yes now as how you and I will be. We will hold hands during are time at school and school trips, sometimes I'll allow you to lean on my shoulder and maybe hug.

Y/N started to blush at that hold hands and hugging a girl.....

Y/N: Y-y-yeah ok umm what about family if they ask about us do we just say we're friends or something.

Kei: Good question if we want to make this seem real then it okay for you to tell your for me my bother and father can stay out of this even if they do know it fine.

Y/N: Okay so I guess will just work other stuff out ad time goes on.

Kei: Yeah we can talk about that on a "date". Hey give me your phone I need your number to contact each.

I nodded and let her put her number in as I did with her phone.

Kei: Good, thank you for this if you need help with study or other stuff don't be afraid to ask even if your a bit shy about it.

She saw that I was shy quickly.

Y/N: Yeah ok same for you.

Kei: Okay, oh one more thing. If you do ended up actually falling in love with me that your problem not mine.

Y/N: Okay...oh sorry that my phone. Oh my dad here to pick me up I have to go sorry.

Kei: it's fine, bye "boyfriend"

She did a cute smile and wink...wait why I'm I... Started blushing, anyway.

Y/N: Yeah b-b-bye "girlfriend"

Time skip
Later that night
Kashiwazaki residents
Y/N room

I was messaging Shirogane it seems she want to me up in the morning and walk to school together. I said sure and we plan it then we sent good night to each other.

Y/N:......What did I get myself in to...well she is cute (blushing)

At the Shirogane residents
Kei's p.o.v

Kei: Okay look like thing are planned let's I hope this will work it might take time but at least i get to look at he's cute shyness....(blushes)... wait why would I care about that...I think to for bed.

Miyuki: Kei it time to go to bed okay.

Kei: I don't need you tell me what to do!

Chapter end

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