LuckyMaxer x Younger! sister! y/n

685 7 6

[ 04 : 12 . ]

[ 04:13 . ]

I was peacefully reading some newspapers when i heard my little one sister calling out for me, i heard her little footsteps coming, i put my newspaper down as i looked at her, she seemed excited.
Y: "can we go to this café pleasee?" She pleaded, showing me an extra newspaper i got yesterday, she was pointing at the new dog cafe down the street, i chuckled softly, patting her head, as i nodded before speaking.
L: "as long as you behave okay?" I tilted my head, smiling, she immediately nodded and was very happy, hugging me, as she thanked me, my heart melted, as i hugged back, i carried her as we hugged and got up so i could clean her up and go to the new dog cafe down the street.

[ 04:20 . ]

[ 04:21 . ]

[ 04:22 . ]

I put on my black suit and grey vest, before helping my sister put on her frog hat, i chuckled softly while grabbing her and carrying her downstairs, i grabbed the keys of the house and car, before turning everything except the freezer off, and opening the garage door, and putting my little sister in the passenger seat next to the driver seat, before turning the car on.

{ TIME : 04:27 . }

I parked the car in the parking lot near the dog cafe, I glanced at her and saw she was very happy, i sigh, ' she was way to hyper for my liking, though, i dont mind .' I thought to myself, turning the car off and unbuckling the seat belt of hers and mines, carrying her as i opened the car door and placing her down outside, as i closed the door, she holds me with her tiny hands, i smiled then i heard a familiar voice.

G: " Luck is that you?, hah!, hello! " Guest 666,
He waved as he had his other hand in his pockets of his jacket, walking towards me with 664 (blue guest) and 665 (lavender guest).

L: " ah!, it's nice seeing you again! " i opened my arms as i hugged blue, who seemed tired as always, while lavender high fived my little sister, my sister was very fond of lavender.

Laven: " hello, sweet pea!, i missed you and your cute face! " Y/N giggled, playing with lavender, as i sigh.

L: " are you guys here for the new dog cafe? " i asked guest, he only nodded, smiling, he was still intimidating, while blue just looked lost.
L: " whats up with blue? " i tilted my head, looking at blue.
G: " ah, while bacon got sick while traveling, his worried, plus were here to calm him down ; im guessing that you're here because of your little sister asking you? " i nodded, as i heard lavender spoke.
Laven: " how about we go inside now?, its slightly raining! " Laven said, carrying my little sister, i looked up and it was cloudy and slightly raining, i nodded along with guest.


[ 04:34 . ]

I was ordering food and drinks for me and my little plus my friends, my little sister was playing with 4 baby golden retriever puppies, while my friends talked, blue watched my little sister silently, i felt bad, blue was so lost in his own world but i snapped back to reality when a husky dog tugged my pants, i sigh as i petted the dog before walking towards the table my friends are sitting, my little sister was playing near the table so we won't be worried, i looked outside of the wall window, it was raining, the atmosphere in the dog cafe was relaxing and comfortable.

" Oh. . .i just wished it was like this again .
It's. . .so silent without her , I can't handle...the pain no more . "




I cried as i waited outside of the operation room , getting comforted by lavender , who seemed sad also but was focused on comforting me then crying .

" im sorry, I didn't protect you. " i murmured softly, holding an umbrella as i stood in front of her grave, everyone left while i, stayed there, standing quietly as i sob.

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