Escape Tatooine

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Hope's POV

Qui-gon returned and went out with Anakin to see if they could sell his pod-racer. While mum and I stayed home. I was examining the cube in the kitchen when mum appeared with my bag. "Mum, why do you have my bag?" I ask her confused.

"You're free dear" she tells me with a smile.

"I know I'm free, I was born free" I remind her.

"That's not what I mean" she tells me as she puts the bag on the table. "A couple of years ago, when Anakin first started pod racing. I made a deal with Watto" she explains.

"What sort of deal?" I ask her confused.

"That if Anakin ever won a race, Watto would send you to Coruscant" she states. "He found me after the race and said Qui-gon had already agreed to take you with him. You're going to become a jedi like your father" she tells me.

"What about you and Ani?" I ask her.

"We'll be fine, it's time you did something for yourself" she tells me. As she starts to clean. I go to protest more when an excited Anakin appears with Qui-gon.

"Mom, we sold the Pod. Look at all the money we have!" Anakin cheers. He pulls a bag of coins out of his pocket and hands it to her.

"Oh, my goodness. That's so wonderful Ani" she tells him.

"It is" I agree giving him a hug.

"And Anakin has been freed" Qui-gon adds.

"What?!" Anakin and I shout in shock as we look up at him.

"You're no longer a slave" Qui-gon tells him. Anakin jumps for joy while mum and I are stunned.

"Did you hear that, Mom? Hope?" he asks us giddily. Then looks back at Qui-gon. "Was that part of the prize, or what?" he asks him.

"Let's just say Watto has learned an important lesson about gambling" Qui-gon states.

"Now you can make your dreams come true, Ani. You and Hope are free" mum tells him. "Will you take them both with you? Are they to become jedi?" she asks Qui-gon.

"Our meeting was not a coincidence. Nothing happens by accident" Qui-gon states. Before looking at Ani and I. "You both are strong with the Force, but you both may not be accepted by the Council" he tells us.

"A Jedi! Mighty blasters, you mean I get to go with you in your star-ship and everything?!" Anakin exclaims.

"Ani calm down" I tell him.

"Anakin, training to be a Jedi will not be a easy challenge. And if you both succeed, it will be a hard life" Qui-gon tells him.

"But it's what I want. What I've always dreamed about with Hope" Anakin states.

"Where Anakin goes, I go" I state.

"Can we go mum?" Anakin asks her.

"This path has been placed for you both, Ani. The choice to take it is yours alone" mum tells him.

"I want to do it" he states.

"Then, pack your things. We haven't much time" Qui-gon tells him.

"Yipee!" Ani shouts and hugs mum. He goes to leave the room as I put the cube in my bag. Shouldering it as Anakin freezes in the door way. "What about Mom? Is she free too?" Ani asks. "You're coming, aren't you, Mom?" he asks her.

"I tried to free your mother, Ani, but Watto wouldn't have it" Qui-gon states.

"But the money from selling..." Anakin starts to say.

"It's not enough Ani" I tell him sadly. Mum heads over to him and grabs his hands gently in hers.

"Son, my place is here. My future is here. It is time for you and Hope to let let go of me. I cannot go with you both" she tells him.

"I want to stay with you. I don't want things to change" Anakin tells her.

"Neither do I, but we can't stop it Ani" I tell him.

"She's right, you can't stop change any more than you can stop the suns from setting. Listen to your feelings; Ani, you know what's right" mum tells him.

"I'm going to miss you so much, Mom" he tells her.

"We both are" I add and we share a family hug.

"I love you both so much, take care of each other" mum tells us. We pull away. "You had better hurry" she tells Ani and he runs off to pack. Mum and I thank Qui-gon.

"I will watch after them. You have my word. Will you be all right?" he asks her.

"I will in time" mum assures him.

"I'll take care of Anakin mum and I promise we'll be back one day to free you" I tell her.

"I'll be fine, just take care of your brother" she tells me. I nod my head and we hug. Soon Anakin appears with his packed bag.

(Time skip)

After a tearful goodbye with our mother. Anakin said goodbye to his friend and I said goodbye to Jira. Qui-gon also destroyed a probe droid of some sort. Now we're running through the dunes towards his ship. "Master Qui-Gon,sir, wait!" Ani shouts as we struggle to keep up.

Qui-gon stops in front of us and I sense danger. "Anakin, Hope drop!" he shouts. We drop and I cover Anakin as Qui-gon engages with the dark cloaked man. I notice he has a red light-saber.

"It's a Sith" I say shocked.

"A what?" Ani says confused.

"Ani, Hope get to the ship! Tell them to take off!" Qui-gon orders.

"I can help" I tell him.

"Go now!" he shouts. I grab Ani's hand and we take off running for the ship. We reached it safely and eventually find Padme talking to a man.

"Qui-Gon's in trouble. He says to take!" Ani tells them.

"Who are you both?" the man asks.

"A friend" Padme assures him. We go to the bridge.

"Qui-Gon is in trouble, he says to take off!" the man orders the pilot. Who does so.

"Over there! Fly low!" a man in robes like Qui-gon instructs pointing at a dust cloud. The pilot does so. "He's on board, shut the ramp and take off for Coruscant" he orders. Before leaving the room. Anakin and I follow him wanting to check on Qui-gon.

"Are you all right?" Ani and I ask as we all kneel beside him.

"I think so... that was a surprise I won't soon forget" Qui-gon states.

"What was it?" the man asks.

"I don't know, but he was well trained in the Jedi arts. My guess is he was after the Queen" Qui-gon answers.

"Do you think he'll follow us?" I ask him.

"We'll be safe enough once we're in hyperspace, but I have no doubt he knows our destination" he states.

"What are we going to do about it?" Anakin asks.

"You aren't going anywhere near that thing" I state.

"We will be patient" Qui-gon tells us. "Anakin Skywalker, Hope Skywalker meet Obi-Wan Kenobi" he says introducing the man.

"Wow! You're a Jedi too?" Anakin asks excitedly as he shakes Obi-wans hand. "Pleased to meet you" he states.

"You're a padawan aren't you?" I ask noticing his braid.

"Yes" he answers. "Qui-gon and I have to go talk to the others. But R2 will give you a tour" he states nodding to the Astro-droid. I nod my head and he left with Qui-gon. While R2 gives Anakin and I a tour of the ship.


Picture above of Anakin saying goodbye to Shmi and picture on the external link of Qui-gon fighting Darth Maul.

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