It's Working!

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Hope's POV

So Qui-gon got permission to enter Anakin into the race from Watto. After the storm ended. While they talked to him. I got a head start on working on the pod. When they got back Anakin immediately came to help me. While Qui-gon went to speak to my mother. "No Ani, that one goes there and that one there" I say pointing at the wires.

"Oh right" he says doing in properly. We continue to work on the engines. While Jar-jar, Padme and R2 helped. Well Jar Jar tried to help, but we wouldn't let him.

Third Persons POV

"You should be proud of your son and daughter. They give without any thought of reward" Qui-gon states. As he watches them with Shmi.

"They know nothing of greed" Shmi tells him. "They have..." she starts to say.

"They have special powers" Qui-gon says.

"Yes" she says.

"He can see things before they happen. That's why he appears to have such quick reflexes. I also saw Hope manipulate Sebula with a wave of her hand. They are a Jedi traits" Qui-gon states.

"He deserves better then a slave's life and she deserves more then to be trapped here" Shmi states.

"The Force is unusally strong with Anakin and Hope has it also, that much is clear. Who was their father?" Qui-gon asks her.

"Hope's father was a Jedi Knight, his name was Zan-Yosa. I called him Zan, he and I fell in love. He was going to free me of slavery. But when our relationship was discovered. He was killed, when I discovered I was pregnant with Hope. We were sold, she was born free" Shmi states. "With Anakin there was no father. I carried him, I gave him birth...I can't explain what happened. Can you help them?" she asks him.

"I'm afraid not. Had they been born in the Republic. We would have identified them early, and they would have become Jedi. But it's too late for them now, they are too old" Qui-gon tells her sadly. "Did Zan-Yosa have a surname?" he asks her.

"Jinn" she answered. Qui-gon looks at Hope sadly. His twin brother who had disappeared years ago. Is dead and had a daughter. No wonder she has the force, she got it from her father.

Hope's POV

Some of Anakin's friends approach us. Their names are Kitster, Seek, Amee and Wald. I don't really have any friends. Anakin introduces them to Padme. "Wow, a real Astro'd you get so lucky?" Kitster asks while looking at R2.

"This isn't the half of it. I'm entered in the Boonta Race tomorrow" Anakin states.

"What? With this??" Kitster asks looking at the pod racer.

"Jesko na joka, Ani" Wald laughs. (Translation: you are such a joke, Ani). I give him a pointed look. My brother is no joke.

"You've been working on that thing for years. It's never going to run" Amee states.

"Come on, let's go play ball" Seek tells the others. "Keep it up, Ani, and you're gonna be bug squash" he says. Before leaving with Wald and Amee. While Kitster remained. I notice Jar Jar fiddling with one of the energy binder plates.

"Hey! Jar Jar! Stay away from those energy binders" I tell him.

"Who, mesa?" he asks.

"She's right" Anakin tells him. "If your hand gets caught in that beam, it will go numb for hours" he states. JAR JAR peeks at the energy plate; it makes a little electronic pop, zaps him in the mouth and he jumps back. JAR JAR tries to say something, but his mouth is numb and his words are garbled.

I roll my eyes surpressing a giggle. "But you don't even know if this thing will run" Kitster tells us.

"It will" Anakin and I assure him. Just then Qui-gon appears and hands a small battery to Anakin. I notice Jar Jar get his hand caught in an afterburner. I groan in annoyance and go over to him with Padme.

"I think it's time we found out. Use this power charge" Qui-gon tells Anakin.

"Yes sir" Anakin says happily.

"Stop moving" I tell Jar Jar annoyed. Anakin hops into the capsule. Padme and I managed to free Jar Jar's hand. We then went to stand by R2, Kitster and Qui-gon. Anakin turns the pod racer on and I starts to hoover as the engines come to life.

"It's working! It's working!" he shouts. I smile. I go inside.

"Hope!" mum calls and I look up at her smiling. "Come with me" she says leading me to her room. She pulls a box out from under her bed. "These belonged to your father, it's time you had it" she states handing it to me. I frown in confusion as I accept the box. "Go on, open it" she encourages me.

I do so and gasp. Inside the box is a light-saber and a blue cube. "What's this?" I ask curious as I pick up the cube.

"I don't know, all I know is that it was very important to your father" she states.

"Thank you mum" I say.

"Keep them hidden, keep them safe" she tells me.

"I will" I promise placing the cube back into the box. I close it and pick it up. I kiss her cheek and go to my room. I place the box under my bed. Then lay on my bed playing with my necklace. Someone knocks on the door. I look up to see Qui-gon, "hi Qui-gon sir" I say as I sit up.

"Hello Hope, how are you?" he asks me.

"I'm ok, though I am worried about Anakin. He maybe an amazing polit, but pod racing is dangerous" I state.

"You must have faith in him" Qui-gon tells me. "He will win" he states.

"I know he will, something about this race feels different from the others" I tell him.

"Trust your instincts" he tells me. "That's an interesting necklace" he states.

"It was my father's, he gave it to my mother. She gave it to me when I turned ten" I tell him.

"That's the symbol of the jedi council" he tells me. I smile. "You are special" he says. I summon my brush to me.

"I know" I say as I let my hair down. I start to brush it. "I know Anakin has the gift also. Though he hasn't been able to practice it like I have" I state.

"It can be dangerous to train alone without guidance" he tells me.

"Don't really have a choice" I tell him. "Qui-gon, can you promise me something?" I ask him.

"What?" he asks me curious.

"Help Anakin, get him out of here. Please free him" I plead.

"I didn't actually come here to free slaves, but I promise to try" he assures me.

"Thank you" I say as I put the brush down. I go help mum with dinner. After dinner I went to bed. While Qui-gon cleaned a cut on Anakin's hand.


Gif above of Anakin and picture on the external link of Qui-gon with Shmi.

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