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[A/N : Like I said before, In this fic, expect details way different from the original.

For eg: Jour Thames is al- ˵ ° ~ ° ˵ ]


Kim Rok Soo leaned back in his chair, the evening sun tinted his dark hair orange and made his brownish red eyes appear lighter. It was a picturesque sight, beautiful even.

"Hey Rok Soo, look here" I said.

The boy turned his head towards me and I pressed the shutter with a click.

"Keke Hyung is at it again" Choi Jung Soo, who had just entered the club room with Cale Henituse, quickly scurried towards me to peek at the instantly developed photograph of his classmate that I took, while Cale yawned tiredly before walking towards a corner seat and falling asleep there. A really temporary silence fell over the room.

"Look Rok Soo, It came out well." Jung Soo took the photo and waved it at Kim Rok Soo who had gone back to his usual state of utter inactivity (Choi Jung Soo was ignored TT).

"Don't shake it you idiot" I snatched the photo away from the big puppy-like guy and gently laid it on the table.

Choi Jung Soo smirked at my lightning action, then scratched his head and asked me curiously, "But why do you take this many photos anyway?"

My gaze unknowingly traced the young boy lazing in the chair.

"So that I don't ever forget," I said.

As though he felt my eyes on him, Kim Rok Soo looked up. Reddish brown met pitch black, a sense of breathlessness enveloped me as I stared at his face.

'What is it, Sunbae?' he mouthed, for some reason he had a mischievous half smile.

I couldn't answer, because he was my precious kouhai and I wouldn't answer, because I don't want anything to ruin what we already have. . .




I slowly opened my eyes. That dream again? Just how long has it been since high school?

I shifted in the bed uncomfortably, the naked woman who had her head placed on my arm squirmed, dark hair fell all over her closed eyes, while my hands unconsciously reached out to brush away the strands, my mind unwittingly reminded me of the woman's brownish black eyes and stoic pretty face.

They were similar but just not the same, a sense of dissatisfaction, shame and other complicated emotions knocked at my heart. I sighed deeply before shifting the woman's head away and quietly slipping out of the bed.

"Leaving already Lee Soo Hyuk-sii..?" A sleepy voice murmured as I was getting dressed, turning around, I smiled at the woman, who was now sitting on the bed with the covers wrapped around her. She looked cute and nobody would disagree, but regretfully I couldn't even remember her name.

"I have work." I said.

The woman nodded, she looked like she wanted to ask more but kept silent.

I didn't urge her either. What had happened last night between us, there will never be a second time and the both of us had agreed to it as well.

"Goodbye." I bowed casually before turning around to leave.

I didn't look back, I never did.




I glanced at my watch as I started the car, it was half past seven. The children must have already left for school now. I sighed, I felt guilty for leaving them all alone at the house most of the time, but I didn't know what else to do other than run away and hide every now and then.

It was hard adjusting with the sudden addition of precious people and responsibilities into my lonely life that used to be messy and carefree.

They were children that were looked after with such care by my brother, and now that he is gone, how can an uncle, who they had barely seen their whole lives suddenly just show up to take his place?

It's been six months.

Even though we have grown close enough to consider each other as family, it somehow still feels like there were many impenetrable walls separating us.

Slowing down at the red light, I watched as the first few drops of rain hit the windshield. There were a lot of people crossing the road, but in my eyes, what stood out the most was a trio of high school boys. The first two of the boys were laughing while the other guy walked with a serious expression on his face. Pleasant memories that surfaced at witnessing this scene temporarily subsided the worries that were raging in my heart, and by the time the signal turned green, I had a small smile on my face.

Maybe today will be a good day after all.



'Your mind has been infested beyond repair.' - me to myself, when this fanfic idea just struck me out of nowhere while I was in the middle of my class.


The Boy In The Picture. [ToCF FF || KRS x LSH]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora