Ch 20 Wake up call 🗣

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I continue making breakfast while having some talk with vrigo

Aquarius ♒ POV

"Aires no" Was all I said I mean don't get me wrong he's my friends and all but theres no point in actually stoping him.He already made up his mind.On what his next action was gonna be.

Aires walked out I guess to teach that diver a lesson. Oh well he had it coming he's got only his self to blame.By the looks from it the lesson was very fast and am amusing painful for the driver.Oh that poor unfortunate soul I can't imagine getting Aires mad and having to face the real consequence.

Aires clamely come back with dark red blood dripping from his fist.

"All good buddy ?" was all scorpio said while handing him a rag to clean himself up.He didn't question why Aires did what he did.And neither did I since nobody cared.He deserved it for being rude to us I mean we were like 2 hours late but who isn't late to their first day of school.

"SSssooo How do I look !" Gemini said while busting in the living room with her new outfit made by Virgo deville.Duhh who else.

"You look amazing quick go show vrigo she'll freak once she see you" she quickly rushed to the kitchen where the designer herself was.I sadly wasn't fast enough to get up from the couch to see her reaction but hearing that scream of happiness is enough.

I walked into the kitchen along with Aires and Scorpio to join the others

"So what's cooking ?"scorpio asked leo as he got closer to see

"Oh don't worry about it am making your favorite........ poisone " Leo said back making perfect eye contact with a small evil smile on his face. All scorpio had to say to that is

"Hmm yummy my favorite " with a sly smirk on his face . Gemini and I couldn't help but giggle at there exchanged.

"Well your doing that am gonna go get change." Aires let out while walking out of the kitchen. Vrigo followed along with scorpio. Which left me leo and Gemini.

"So are u guys excited or what " Gemini cheer which surprised me and leo since Gemini was the last person I thought will be excited going to school let alone with ROYALS.

"Alright stop playing who are you and what have you done with our Gemini. Leo snapped pointing a spoon at Gemini with a suspicious glare.

"HA HA very funny two "Gemini rolled her eyes while pushing back the spoon that was put to her face.

"Am EXCITED because its basically fresh meat.And by that I mean unsuspected victim's.because cuz literally very one in our old school already knows our trick it's old but now we get to start over !"

Gemini cheered once more sounding even more excited.Makes sense that she's excited its Gemini she is one to play some new or old trick on someone she won't miss the opportunity. Neither will Leo.

Gemini:just thinking about the faces on my unsuspected victim's makes me want to actually go to school

Leo:I know right plus I been meaning on trying out some new positions up my sleeve.

"Nice to that your next victim isn't me" I said with a small smile on my face

I walked out of the kitchen to head to my room to finally change

"Hey V " I said while opening th door to our room.

"Hey Aqua mind sipping me up" vrigo turned during around to reveal her bare back.

I sipped her up and walked over to get ready myself

Virgo:So tell me how are feeling about the sudden change?

Zodiac High Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon