"I don't know.. because he trusts me?" You scowl. "What's on it?" You ask firmly.

"Where should I know?"

"Wait is this the USB drive you risked our mission to get?" Steve asks confusedly.

"So you do know what's on it?" You growl, pushing her closer up against the wall.

"I don't know" she repeats.

"Stop lying" Steve growls.

"I only act like I know everything, Rogers. You should know that by now y/n." She says with a hint of sadness in her voice.

"Did Fury hire those pirates?" You ask coldly.

"It would make sense. The ship was dirty, Fury needed a way in." She explains.

"Fury hired the pirates?"

"Not now Steve" you say as politely as you can. You could play twenty one questions later.

"Natasha your my best friend, so if I'm yours. You better tell me the truth now" you hiss.

Natasha looks into you eyes, as she nods her head understandingly. "I know who killed Nick" she says softly.

You feel your heart sink, letting go of her arm. You gaze softens. "Who?" You ask hesitantly.

"Most of the intelligence community doesn't even believe he exists. The ones that do call him the winter soldier. He's credited with over twenty seven assassinations, in the last fifty years." She explains.

"So he's a ghost story" Steve scoffs. Crossing his arms.

"Five years ago I was on a mission in Iran. Somebody shot out my tires, we lost control of the vehicle, went straight over a cliff, I pulled us out. But the winter soldier was there. I was covering over my partner and her shot him.. straight through me" Natasha explains, she pulls up her shirt exposing a large scar on her lower abdomen. "Soviet slug, no rifling." She adds.

"Then we find him, rip that arm off him. Let's see what use he is then" you growl.

"Going after him is a dead end. I know, I've tried. Countless times" Natasha says, pulling out the drive from her bra. "Like you said Steve. He's a ghost story"

You take the drive from her hand, putting it into your bag.

"Let's go ghost haunting" you smirk.

Natasha, Steve and you, sneak out the back door of the hospital. You knew that you've already gotten two of your closest friends into a mess you didn't even want to be a part of. All you were focused on was revenge, you would stop at nothing to make sure the winter soldier was either shot through the heart, or locked up rotting away in prison.

You find an old car shop, getting Natasha to rent a car for you, since she's the only one of you, that's not wanted as a fugitive of the American government.
Steve and you wait outside in a small ally.

"What exactly happened?" He asks softly.

You take a deep breath. "Fury was right, SHIELD has been compromised.. it wasn't about finding out what happened to him, it was about setting me up along with him.." you explain. "I had a bad feeling as soon as I stepped into that room, once I tried to leave, seven agents made it their job to take me down." You continue. "Luckily enough I was prepared"

"You should have let me come" he sighs.

"Yeah I probably should have.. guess all those years of working alone, made it a bad habit" you scoff. "I'm sorry I dragged you into this mess" you smile softly looking up at him.

Love everlasting - Avengers fanficWhere stories live. Discover now