"Yes, Jude told us he woke up. How's he feeling?"

"He's doing well thank you." I smile warmly when they sigh in relief. "He was discharged before Christmas eve but his muscles are taking their sweet time to loosen up so he's in and out of appointments to help with that."

"We got him some things to help with his recovery and a few gifts – no buts missy!" Michelle tuts when I open my mouth to protest. "You must bring him next time too. We'd love to meet him!"

"I will and thank you so much. That's very sweet!" I smile as they pull me forward to meet the rest of the family.

One by one I meet Judah's brothers, his sisters-in-laws and their children before getting to Noah who is the youngest sibling. I meet the newest addition to Theo and Charlotte's family too which is baby boy Kieran Jackson. The guests start arriving after a few minutes when Charlotte pulls me aside.

"Thank you for helping and protecting him. He got into that mess because of me and I didn't know what was happening until he came back. I'm glad he found someone like you." She smiles before giving me a tight hug.

"My father and his men are the only ones to blame so please don't feel guilty." I reassure her and she nods but I can tell she doesn't fully believe it. "It brought me and Judah together so I guess we should be thanking you."

She laughs when I wink at her before nodding in a mock snobby fashion. "Well, at least someone is grateful!"

"Girls!" Ella calls and points outside. "We're going to grab a table for ourselves after greeting the guests so we'll meet there okay?"

We both nod at her before Judah wraps an arm around my waist and kisses Charlie's cheek in greeting. "Charles, you look amazing as always! You'll let me babysit Kieran won't you?"

"Not unless Marcella is with you." She snorts before walking off to her husband.

I giggle at Judah's pout before kissing his cheek. He rolls his eyes playfully before guiding me out the door and into the crowd of guests. "Let me introduce you to some people before we can relax with my family."

I find myself getting comfortable the more I meet people and mingle. The party is in full swing and we dance a few times with the rest of the family before the girls wave me over. I let Judah know who's now catching up with his friends from school and he kisses my cheek before I leave. Elena scoots over and opens her arms for me to hug her which I happily do with a laugh. Almost everyone is here except Jude, his parents and the children.

"So, Judah told us you met at a charity ball?" Elena asks and I frown in confusion before realizing Judah probably didn't want to tell them where we really met without my permission.

"We met at a strip club the night before where I was on an assignment. The next day I was given another assignment to kill Judah at the charity ball." I explain and their eyes widen as Judah joins us.

"Shame you didn't finish the job." Noah mutters under his breath before crying out when Jude lunges at him.

"You said I was your favorite and now you want me gone?!" Judah exclaims and the rest of the brothers turn to Noah with frowns, grumbling about how he had said that to all of them.

Noah shoves Judah off him with a roll of his eyes before smirking at everyone. "You can't expect me to be the youngest and not trick you guys into getting what I want."

Everyone laughs at that before Ella cuts in with bright eyes. "Where did he take you on your first date?"

"Ugh! Kill me now." Judah groans as he pulls me up and takes my seat before making me sit on his lap due to limited space.

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