Hosu Incident Part 2

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"Come on freak, your the last one for the day." He said as she silently stood up and followed him. It was routine training for her. Wake up , fight, rest, fight, eat, fight.

She stepped into the arena and looked at her opponent. She trembled under the man's gaze and she recognized him. It was the boss. She felt her blood boil. The cause for all of her suffering and pain. The deaths of millions of her friends and other kids. Her hair stood on end and changed pure white. Luna's eye shone in a deadly coal color. Two small red horns sprouted on her head and a succubus tail appeared from behind her. Two large black, withered wings formed on her back as she stood in a ready stance and glared at the man in front of her.

"So your the quirk copycat?" He said plainly. "I expected you to be more, active... no matter, I will wake you right up."

The man began to grow, he got taller, hairier, his teeth got longer, much longer and sharper. He changed into a werewolf. She felt her back scars burn. Blood raced through her vision, hers and his.

Luna felt her body lose control. Her eyes blew open as her hair stood on end and she turned back into the demon as once before. She looked around her and watched civilians look at her in terror when her mind went into a trance, playing back her scarring memories on loop.

Luna heard a voice yelling at her as if it was miles away.

"Luna! Luna! It's ok! You can do it Spitfire!"

Fire? Burn? Destroy...

Luna put her hand out, unconsciously aiming directly at the Nomu and screamed


A large red blast shot through the ground and engulfed the Nomu. The flames died out quickly as the beast fell to the ground, limp and dead. She screamed as her head throbbed and she shut her eyes.

"COME ON! KEEP IT TOGETHER!" she yelled at herself internally. She slowly composed herself and turned around looking at the destroyed cafe. She rose her hand and rose part of the building back onto itself. People around her cheered. She looked down onto her charred hands and started hyperventilating.

"STARDUST!" Mirko cried running to her.

"Hey, hey , hey... shhh it's ok. Your ok, you did great, it's ok. Can you change back? Or do you want me to get Eraserhead?" She asked her as the girl cried her eyes and hair still glowing and her extra demon features still present.

"Bakugou... where's... Katsuki?" She breathed out.

"BLASTY BOY! COME HERE!" Mirko yelled at the boy across the way who was angrily helping Best Jeanist with the media.

Mirko kissed her niece on the head and ran to Best Jeanist's side to help keep the media back.

"Spitfire!" He cried running up to her and holding her hands. The girl looked at him with glowing teary eyes and buried her face in his chest .

"You can't change back can you?"

She shook her head and trembled. Bakugou held her close and laid her on his lap in the rubble.

"Hey, close your eyes. Try to relax. The fight is over now. Your safe. I'm right here Prism." He said soothingly.

Luna reached for her necklace that hung on her neck and played with the charm. She squeezed his hand with her free one and took deep breathes. Slowly the glowing stopped and her hair rested back down onto her shoulders. Her extra features fading away with the glow.

"There's my girl." Bakugou said helping her up and hugging her.

"I love you Blasty."

"I love you too Prism."

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