Damn it, Millard!

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A lil agnst ig?

I was sitting down, making humonculi  (is that how u spell it?). A certain someone named Jacob was upstairs, screaming his head off. Why? 

Him, Noor, and Bronwyn were watching a scary movie. Notice how Noor and Bronwyn weren't screaming, it was only Jacob. That's because, yes, he's a dork. A big, big dork. With a small, small p-

Moving on, with all the racket I sighed and stood up. I was in the basement, with blood and guts everywhere. I had almost forgotten the beautiful organ and heart jars everywhere. It had been about a month since we moved back in the orphanage. And I was so excited. Everyone was, really. Except Emma. 

She hated being reminded of Abe. And now, Jacob, too.  But she tried not to show it, and put on a smile, which I couldn't help but admire. I can't smile through anything, I'm always frustrated and grumpy.

Anyway, I walked out of the basement and went upstairs. They were in the living room. "Hey, Jacob, could you keep it down?!" I yelled at him. 

"Sorry." He said weakly. 

Suddenly, there was a jump scare of this creepy lady with huge eyes (yes, yes, it's Momo. Oml i hate that creature) and Jacob screamed. But I screamed, too. Bronwyn and Noor burst into laughter, and two voices behind me chuckled. 

I turned. Oh, great.

Millard and Horace. Okay, let's get things straight. Millard: I do not like Millard. He's weird. And tells everyone my secrets. Horace: I am maybe, possibly in love with him. 

"You're one to talk." Millard said, walking past me. I could practically see his smirk. Horace smiled. "It happens to everyone." And pat my shoulder. 

I went pink. He walked past me and I sprinted upstairs, which, when I looked back behind me, earned me an odd stare. I raced to my room. 

I hesitated before slammed the door, because I didn't want Miss P angry, but I did, which made Claire shout, "Hey, you knocked over my tea-set!"

I couldn't care less.

I flopped on my bed and buried my face in my hands. Why do I act like this in front of him? I wasn't like this when I had a crush on Emma...But, then again, this isn't a crush, it's love...

I hadn't realized I was saying my thoughts out loud, an embarrassing habit I do when I'm nervous. And, of course, because karma hates me...

"Who do you love?" Millard's voice asked, laughing. "Horace?"

I sprang up. "MILLARD!"

He laughed harder. "Well, it was obvious, anyway. I mean, we all knew. Ever since we thought he banished Caul in the underworld, and he protected you from a random wight.  You fan girl over him every time your near each other."

"Oh, be quiet!"

I heard a noise. A noise...What noise? Sort of like a bell...But, no...A chime? It was...It was the sound that Jacob's phone made when it finished filming something! Wait-


He laughed and I noticed the phone by his feet. He swooped it up and ran out of my room. "GET BACK HERE!" I yelled. I was about to chase him down the hallway and tackle him when, "Enoch O'Conner!"

Fu ck. I turned around. Miss Peregrine. 

"There is no yelling in the house, or slamming doors shut, especially when there are two young girls next door!" She shouted at me. I could hear Millard laughing. Now nearly everyone was crowded in the hallway. 

"You're punished."

I tried to snap. I tried to sound cool when I said it. But instead it came out weakly and feebly. "And what are you going to do?" 

She stared into my eyes. "First," She said. "Tell me why you were so angry."

My eyes flicked around the room. Everyone was whispering. And then I saw Horace staring at me. My face flushed. I looked back at Miss Peregrine. "C-can I tell you later?" It was a mistake, I knew instantly, to say it. She squinted her eyes and tilted her head. All the kids were whispering, chuckling, pointing. 

"Follow me." She whispered. I didn't move. "Follow. Me." She said louder. She then clutched my arm and dragged me downstairs. Everyone automatically formed a hole for us to pass though. I was so embarrassed and I could feel my face growing warmer by the second.

We walked to her office. She sat down at her desk and I sat down on the small chair in front of it. She spun her chair around so I couldn't see her face and sighed. "Alright. It's later. Tell me why."

I gulped. "W-well...Millard was filming something I said. You-You know how I talk to myself when I'm nervous? Well I was doing that. He filmed it and then ran away."

"What did you say?"

"I-Uh-Um...I admitted my crush. Sort of."


I froze. She turned back around. This time, she was smiling softly. "I'd like to see this video. But, for now, you're no longer punished. I understand how embarrassed you feel. I'll make sure they delete the video. Alright?"

I swallowed. "Okay."

We walked out of her office in silence. Surprisingly, no one was eavesdropping. I walked down to the basement and the Bird walked upstairs to Millard. I smiled when I heard her yelling at him. 

A few minutes later, maybe 10, there was a knock on the door. "Come in." I said tiredly. Fiona and Hugh. I raised an eyebrow. "What?"

Hugh sighed. "Come on, then Fi." 

I was sitting on my couch, and she sat next to me. Hugh sat on the ground. "What?" I repeated. 

Fiona leaned into Hugh and whispered something into his ear. He translated. "She says she thinks you should do something about...Horace," We all knew what she meant. "Not telling him is just making it all worse. And Millard's just going to try and prank you more and more."

I groaned. "I know, I know," I laid back, resting my head on the arm-rest. "But I don't even know if he's into guys."

They both glanced at each other. Hugh chuckled. "I'm pretty sure he is." I rolled my eyes. "Yeah, but, still. We're not like you guys...I just really like him and he just really doesn't like me back. You two are in love. And you'll always be. You're soulmates. We're...We're just friends. And soon we'll be less than that if I tell him. He'll reject me. I know he will."

Fiona looked at me sadly. She whispered to Hugh, "I'm sure that's not true. He probably does like you back, and, if he doesn't, he'd never let you down in a mean way. He's too sweet for that. But he's not going to let you down, period. He likes you too, I'm nearly sure of it."

I grumbled to myself. "Okay. Whatever. Leave me alone." They looked at each other but seemed to understand. They got up and left. 

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