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ACT 5 ;

                                                                                                                                                      ACT 5 ;THE PROBLEM

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Finally, after all that time, we made it.
The cherry blossoms flew gracefully everywhere, as the shipped approached the new land.

It was, familiar. I, can't exactly pinpoint where but, it almost feels like i've been to this place before, but I couldn't have, right?

"[Name!]" Aether called out, I swiftly turned around to him.

He pointed out to the boats deck. Oh, the boats boarding.
I walked to him and we both walked down to Inazuma's boarding deck. Wow, this place was ethereal, its the land of the Electro Archon...i think.

A blonde guy was sitting on the crates a bit farther ahead, he was wearing a red jacket along with a black shirt, and he was flipping a coin. He seemed to be expecting us, atleast thats what it looked like.

When he noticed us, he got up and ran pretty quickly.

"Ahoy there!" the man said, waving.

"So, you finally made it. You sure kept me waiting, Captain." he said, enthusiastically. "And it appears we have a couple of stowaways.. or perhaps I should say -- honored guests."

"Hey! Shush!" A certain white haired pixie exclaimed, I almost snickered.

"You can blame your Almighty Shogun. The tempests around the Inazuma have been growing all the more fierce lately." Our captain spoke again.

I nodded in agreement, slowly remembering how much I got thrown-around in the cabins of the ship...

"Though the fleet was fully up to the challenge, the inclement weather still caused some delay."
"Now then, let me introduce everyone." Beidou spoke again, turning around to me and Aether.

"This is Thoma, a trade partner that I've gotten to know recently." Beidou said.

"Heh, you don't know how long I've been waiting to see you." Thoma spoke happily. So thats his name, he doesn't really look to much from here.

"Thoma these three are-" the Captain spoke again but was quickly interuppted

"No need for introductions, their reputations precede them! Seems even the stormy seas can't keep rumors of these outlanders' sterling deeds at bay." Thoma exclaimed.

"Nice to meet you Thoma." Aether finally said.
"Yes, its nice to meet you." I said, bowing slightly.

"Hehe, it's sure nice to hear you say that~" Paimon said, obviously flattered by Thoma's praise.

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