two: new uniform

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It's not what you would expect. There are things I didn't know about that exist.

The proposition was for me to sign some papers to go with her. I didn't immediately want to, of course. My parents don't even know I'm in prison, because they haven't come to visit, so they wouldn't know where I was once they found out.

But the woman informed me that they were actively looking for my parents and they would be told where I am once they are located.


"We would be able to find them better if we had some DNA," the woman says on the car ride.

I look up. "Sorry?"

She holds up a blood pricking needle. "Your DNA, if we had a sample of your DNA we could run it through our systems."

"Wouldn't it just be faster to call them? Rhett and Kristine Mae. I can tell you their phone numbers."

"Our ethics committee doesn't allow that, please pass me your hand."

I sigh and hold my hand out, letting her prick it and gather the blood on a cotton swab which she quickly put in a ziploc bag.


Once we arrived, I was given a new uniform, trading out the the orange prison jumpsuit for another orange jumpsuit with a different logo.

I was told this wasn't just a prison transfer, that my records really were wiped clean and I'd start working here in help with scientific developments.

I got a room with 2 other personnel, an incredibly grumpy one named Archie and a more quiet one named Linden.

I'm not sure whether or not I'll like it here, but I was happy and energetic towards my new roommates regardless!

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