The Mandalorian Operation

Start from the beginning

"Ah, at last." Kenobi said, getting up. 

Yoda turned to me, holding his cane. He gave me a respectful nod, in which I returned with a deep bow. I now turned to both Kenobi and my Master and did the same. My Master cleared his throat. He always does this whenever he was ready to begin briefing me on a mission. 

"Severus, when you signed on for more...risky missions, this is not what I had in mind. But we need you. Someone on the inside. And I know you're anxious to leap into battle, my young Padawan." My Master told me. 

Yoda shook his head. "Always eager to jump into battle, a Jedi must not be." He said. "Peace, serenity, compassion. Surrounds us all, it does." 

Kenobi now looked at me. "The Republic is suspicious, as well is the Duchess of Mandalore. It's Death Watch again. We fear they are plotting an attack. As for me, I'm afraid I must begin preparing.."

I sighed. "Mandalore is a neutral system. Why do favors for them when they won't follow the Republic?"

"Severus, we can perhaps sway them over to our side if we show them that we are not a corrupt government?" Kenobi said. 

I scoffed. "What could be corrupt about us?" I said, with thick sarcasm. "It's not like one of our Generals just turned on us." 

Mace nodded. "The Dark Side indeed clouds the Republic,  and that's why the Jedi exist." 

"Alright, let's stay on topic. How am I going to attack the Death Watch." I asked. 

"Not attack. Infiltrate." Master Windu said. "They are in Carlac. However, one particular new recruit had been intercepted by a fellow Jedi, and now we have a face Death Watch hasn't seen before, a suit of Mandalorian armor, and someone who fits their description." 

"However, this is only half of the plan. We need your intel on whether Death Watch is planning something. If not, wait for instructions. If so, unravel their operation."

"Two questions. Firstly, why hasn't Death Watch noted that a new recruit is missing, two, what did Master Obi-Wan mean when he said he needed to prepare?" I asked. 

"For your first question, the reason this recruit left was for a supply run." Windu said. 

"Secondly, rumors of a plot to kill the Chancellor, there are." Master Yoda said. "At the center of this, Moralo Eval is. Plotting something, we fear he is." 

"Which is where I come into place." Kenobi said. "I am disguising as bounty hunter, Rako Hardeen, who is going to kill Obi-Wan Kenobi." He said. "First, we hire the actual Hardeen, having him kill me. Once we get Anakin's reaction, we are set. Then, we switch places, where I am Hardeen now. I find out Eval's plans, and then that's that." 

I nodded slowly, catching on. "And how does Death Watch come into play with Eval?" I asked.

"That's what me and you need to find out, if it does." Kenobi said. 

"Nobody can know about this." My master said. "You're departing before Kenobi, and the operation will be in full motion in a month or two." 

"Why a month?" I asked. "That's absurd."

"For you to gain trust with them." Kenobi said. 

"Alright then." I said. "I guess I'll suit up, I suppose."

It has been a week with the Death Watch. Luckily, the young recruit that had been intercepted was so new nobody knew his name. I had made up a code name, but I didn't even need to use it. I was mostly addressed as "kid" or "recruit". Even though I was armed with to the teeth, I felt vulnerable without my lightsaber. I had a suit of Mandalorian armor, made with beskar and durasteel. It's rare these days to find pure beskar. My helmet had a rangefinder equipped with it. As for my weapons, I had a fibercord that shot out from my gauntlet, dual Westar-35 Mandalorian blaster pistols, a flamethrower, and a rocket shooting out of my jet pack. 

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