You shoved the curtains aside, nearly crying out with happiness at the people who were frantically waving at you from outside your window. You unlatched the window and pushed the heavy glass panes aside, sticking your hand through the thick bars to grasp onto Jeongin's. "You came!" you cried, jumping up and down excitedly, "you're here!"

"Of course I am," he said in a hushed voice, calming you down.

"How do we get these damn bars off?" Felix grunted, and you peered around Jeongin, finally realizing that he didn't come alone. Felix and Chan were balanced behind Jeongin on his broomstick, looking just a little ridiculous. The three men looked like they would surely snap the thin stick in two, but the magic carried them well, although Felix and Chan looked like they were hanging on for dear life. All three were wearing long, tan cloaks that made them look like any other human villager.

"Shut up, I have to think," Jeongin hissed, closing his eyes.

"How did you find me?" you whispered to Felix, who had looked at the view beneath him and immediately held on tighter to Jeongin.

"I was at the ball last night!" he exclaimed, "I had to keep a low profile though, so I stayed away. Jeongin had a hunch that Seungmin had taken you, but Chan and I didn't believe him. Seeing you at the ball only confirmed everything, so here we are!"

"Jesus," you muttered, "took you long enough."

"Is that really the way you're going to speak to your saviors?" Felix complained, attempting to put his hands on his hips in a sassy stance while still holding on tightly to Jeongin's waist.

"You saw what a disaster the ball was," you murmured, "Seungmin was a complete ass afterwards too. He thought I wanted to sleep with him, for Christ's sake. Imagine that!"

"Not surprised, he's a slimy one," Felix grimaced, "he hides it well with his stupid cold, emotionless act, but he's one of the nastiest vampires I've ever met."

You shook your head, as if the motion would shake off the memories of the past night. "He proved his sliminess, that's for sure."

"Alright, alright, be quiet for a minute. I think I got it," Jeongin mumbled, and both you and Felix shut your mouths. "(Y/N), you got everything?"

"Yeah, I'm ready," you said quickly, not even bothering to look around.

In an instant, Jeongin disappeared from the broom, sending Felix scrambling to grab onto the broomstick, and appeared in your room. Brow furrowed with concentration, he grabbed your hand, and you felt an odd sensation, as if your eyeballs had separated from your material body. You spotted you and Jeongin reappearing on the broomstick outside the window, but it took you a moment for your eyes to catch up. "What the fuck," you said, blinking rapidly, "my eyes didn't follow for a second."

"Thank god they caught up," Jeongin said, breathing a sigh of relief, "I've never been able to transport a second person along with me before. I had to keep the broomstick afloat at the same time too, that was horrible." He rubbed his temples, groaning quietly. "I'm gonna have a massive fucking headache after this."

You tenderly pressed your cold fingertips to Jeongin's head. "Thank you for saving me," you whispered, and you felt his skin heat up beneath your touch.

"Of course," he said back, looking away nervously.

"Can we please go," Chan hissed, "in case you forgot, we're hovering right outside the castle, and we could be spotted at any second."

Jeongin cursed under his breath, and guided the broomstick away from the open window. He dove just out of sight as several guards casually walked by the grounds below your window, chatting casually.
As Jeongin sped away from the castle, the coming night blanketing the four of you under the safety of darkness, you swallowed past the lump in your throat, pressing your cold cheek against his back, hugging his slim waist tightly. You vaguely registered Felix's touch as he held onto you behind you, but your mind was elsewhere. We don't have long. He'll be bound to notice soon.

When you deemed it safe enough to talk, you let out a breath you didn't notice you'd been holding. It seemed to shake everyone out of their silent stupor, and in a small voice, Chan asked, "What do we do now?"

Felix exhaled loudly, the breath ending in something between a laugh and a sob. "We have to hide (Y/N). Better, we take them far, far away. Hopefully we escape without our identities being revealed. Just by trespassing on their property we made ourselves enemies of the entire Kim bloodline."

"We're anonymous enemies, at least," Chan murmured, and you tried to ignore the way Felix's grip on you tensed.

"Yeah, for now," Felix muttered, "we have to hurry."

"(Y/N)," Chan said softly, "are you willing to go through with all of this?"

"To keep the three of you safe, I'd do anything." You tried to ignore the gnawing feeling of guilt and worry. You'd never left the comfort of your village, and you had no clue where you would go, or how you would survive without your found family, the only people you could trust.

"My pack," Chan said, seemingly reading your mind, "they live deep in the woods. You can stay there for a bit while we figure out what to do next."

"It's not like we have any other options," Jeongin said bitterly, not liking the idea of you having to get by in the woods with a bunch of werewolves.

Everyone went silent again as Jeongin landed in front of your house, shoes skimming the stone-paved ground as he skidded to a stop. You all hopped off, and you unlocked the door as quickly as possible, shooing everyone in before closing it.

"Finally, I feel like I can breathe again," Felix sighed, and you heard him slump to the floor in relief, chuckling as you fumbled around for your oil lamp to light up the room, which was shrouded in complete darkness.

Finally, your fingers enclosed around a glass container, and you felt around for the familiar knob that would create the flame. The large lamp lit up the entire room for just a moment before you let out a bloodcurdling scream as you looked straight ahead, where three tall figures stood. The brief flame lit up their faces for a split second before surrounding you all in darkness once again, revealing the identity of the one person you had hoped to never see again.
You waited in the pitch black room, knees knocking together as you shivered; the temperature seemed to have dropped ten degrees. For a moment, you thought that maybe you had imagined it, but then you felt cold fingers close around your neck gently, caressing your throat as you whimpered. "Did you really think it would be that easy to escape?" Seungmin whispered.

You let out a cry of fear as you heard scrambling, a howl and a shout, sounding terrifyingly like Chan and Felix. You strained your eyes, trying to see something, anything in the darkness, but you only heard faint whimpers, and then silence. "Don't worry," he whispered, dragging his teeth along your ear, "they'll be fine."

Your blood ran cold at the distant shouts that reached your ears. They sounded so far away. Too far away.

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