unexpected to happen

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_if there is any grammatical mistakes or any other type of mistakes pls correct me

After draken death takemichi didn't stop blaming himself "it's my fault if he didn't try to save me he will still be here ,it's my fault it's my fault it's my fault it's my fault it's my fault it's my fault it's my fault it's my fault it's my fault it's my fault it's my fault it's my fault it's my fault it's my fault, it's my fault, it's my fault, it's my fault, it's my fault, it's my fault, it's my fault,  it's my fault "

and on his face was placed a happy Mask ,no one Tried to understand him and few pepol stayed with him

the majority accused him and It didn't mater for him when people are blaming him he will always thaught "it's ok my partner will understand me. it true that it my fault but he and my friends will never abondon me....right ?"

Till one day were he heard the truth and his only hope to be loved back  was crached . He wanted to go out of his room it was suffocating for him to stay there so he opened the door and headed to the garden he took a seat in a  corner and admired the view ,then he suddenly heard a familiar voice it was Hina he was gonna get up when he heard another one : Mitsuia voice

he came back to his seat when he heard there conversation 

_Hina :" are you sure mitsuya-san "

_Mitsuya "mm I'm sure "

_Hina " but you know it isn't easy for him he isn't living in an all pink word "

_Mitsuya "but still , i cant forgive him this  isn't easy for me too , draken was a part of me , his death  affect me a lot  "

_Hina "you know it not his fault right?"

_Mitsuya:"I know but I can't stop thinking . what would have happened if he wasn't there ?
And every time only one answer comes to my mind is that draken would be here with us "

_Hina :"I know it not easy for you but it isn't for him too "

_Mitsuya:"I don't think it this hard for him after all he didn't know draken that long. the most affected ones are me and Mikey , talking about Mikey do you think that he forgot him he was very close to draken and then he found out he died protecting an outsider  "

Hina was too stunned to speak and mitsuya changed the subject , but the third person hearing this conversation stopped at the world  outsider .

he always thought that his friends were  busy after all it only been 2 weeks since he is at the hospital but now his "friend" opened all the possibilities that he didn't wanna  think about .the fact that they hate him

Takemichi felt his legs shaking and then he fall  in the ground

his fall made noise that attracted Hina and as soon as he see her worried face, he showed the best fake smile he could  and started their discussion " I wanted to go for a walk and  stumbled over a rock " Hina dropped her worried face smiled  and continued " how about going back? it a little bit cold "   "ok" answered takemichi

As soon as they arrived Hina put takemichi on the bed and left few minutes after to let him rest

Hina left and takemichi was alone. his thought started to fill his head ,Evry tiny possibility was taken and the worst one started to take the full place of his head :' what if they want me dead '

A knock was heard and the door swung open after a small "enter" was pronounced by takemichi

Chifuyu entered the room and takemichi was happy ... Very happy ... Too much happy

He had a flach back of his partner teling him sweet world to consoles him ' he won't abondon me ,he will always be there after all if my partner don't understand me who would ' he thought in a way to Cheer himself up but who would know that in this sentences there is two lies and a Truth ?...not takemichi ... Not now ...

As chifuyu sat beide him takemichi took over his thought and smiled,a smile that looked like the most sincere one in this world no one would ever  doubt about it .

Few minutes passed in a full silence ,takemichi started to feel  uncomfortable and was gonna brake it by asking how is his partner doing till he heard something from chifuyu so he asked

_Takemichi:" can you repeat please"

_Chifuyu:" how can you "

He looked in takemichi eyes with a disgusting look on his face .takemichi fault his heart team el and his knees trambling so he asked a gain not expecting his dear partner  speech
"what do you mean ?"he said with his signature smile

Chifuyu stoped as he understood what he was gonna say he was gonna apologize as he got stopped
"I'm so-"takemichi stopped him

"you don't have to ,you were just saying the truth" he smiled for the hundred time today chifuyu then continued "but still I shouldn't have said tha-"he was once again stopped by takimichi " it ok the truth is always hard to accept"

the silence filed the room once again and 5 to 10 min later chifuyu left but he didn't know that he opened a crack in the heart of takemichi

The smal crack that was approximately taking all his emotions disappeared because his heart is completely broken now

As he had already said it before: ' if my partner don't understand me who would ' that make everything clear to him he wasn't needed in this world.

it been years since he was thinking about it but he would always stop his blinding wrist when he remember that his friends needs him and love him.

How about now what stopping him ... Nothing
his one and only goal was to save them but he still failed  ' I don't have any value even my own parent left me after knowing my condition , so how could I hope my friend would still love me after this maybe my death will make them happy ' takemichi thought as the voice came back "what are you waiting for then " " we already told you about it " "if you listened to us nothing would have happened " ' you are right but I still have hope let wait a little '
"The longer you live the more they suffer " "you are useless just die"

' one month only one month if no one visit me then I will die peacefuly ' thought takimichi before closing his eyes from fatigue.

As you had probably understand the life of hanagaki takemochi depend on his friend

What will happen ?


1157 world
Hope you enjoyed reading this ☺️
idk when I will upload Next chapter
I will do it if it needed


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