+*frosty blossom picnic+^

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(hii!! Enjoy this fluff after form the nfsw) |  (y/n at the table, eating pancakes with eggnog)   y/n: so I been thinking.. let's go on a picnic date.... | eggnog cookie: ahaha, good idea little present. (He pats your head softly as you blush)  y/n: t-thank you... (they shower and get dressed)  |  eggnog cookie: you look adorable.. (he picks you up and takes you to your car)  y/n: h-hey eggnog.. (blushes harder) | (after they drive at the picnic park)   eggnog cookie: cmon we're here! let's go at that area. | (sounds of people in the picnic part and they lay out the rug and get the basket)   Eggnog cookie: here's some sandwiches cherry blossom gave me.. |  y/n: it tastes... AMAZING!!!!! (Eats the whole sand which in one gulp and eggnog cookie eats most of the already) | eggnog cookie: ima lay down now... oh- (y/n cuddles eggnog in public) |  eggnog cookie: haha you can- awwe he's already sleeping.. alright, goodnight my little present... I'll wake you up later.. ————//> alright I'ma sleep now I hope you enjoyed

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2022 ⏰

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