The Feast

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Downstairs, a group of people are feasting and Kenna is sitting at a table, while Henry lurks in the doorway, watching her every move.

"I have thought about your offer," Kenna said

"I've thought about you accepting it." King Henry said

"Do you see that man over there, the one who can't take his eyes off me?" Kenna asked as Henry turned and looks.

"I believe that's Robert, the viscount of Lorraine." King Henry said

"Well, I need to be spending my time with him or any other available noble. Men that I might marry, who need to know I'm a virgin, so there's no question whether or not our child is their heir. Men to whom my virtue matters... Sorry." Kenna said

"I understand your position completely." King Henry said


After returning from the woods with Colin's body, Francis remained curious about the events leading up to them leaving the woods.

"I know you don't want to talk about it, but that language that you spoke..... Bash" Francis said stopping Bash.

"I told you it's nothing, it's just an old dialect." Bash said

"It's pagan or druid. Call it what you want, but it's heresy. It sounded very much like a prayer that you knew well. What were you saying?" Francis asked and Bash makes it clear that the topic is still not up for discussion.

"I remember some of the words. Would you rather that I went to a scholar, to Nostradamus?" Francis asked and Finally, he gave in.

"Deep the roots, dark the night, red the blood I will pay" ... It's nonsense, but the Vagrants in the woods believe it." Bash said

"Vagrantsis that what those were? And, Colin? Was his death part of this blood oath?" Francis asked

"I found him hanging. They used him as a sacrifice. Now you know why the woods aren't safe." Bash said

"You went into them for Mary," Francis said

"She's your fiance... I felt duty-bound to help her." Bash said

"Bash, we're brothers. We could always trust each other regardless of our station. Let that be the last lie you tell me." Francis said


After his talk with Francis Bash started to walk to his chambers when he noticed Caitlyn at the feast standing by herself watching some of the guests dance.

"I find you here again alone." Bash said

"Yes, you do," Caitlyn said

"Why do you stand here looking at the dancers and not joining them?" Bash asked

"I stand here because it's what's best," Caitlyn said

"I know that many gentlemen ask you to dance so why don't you accept their proposal that you dance together?" Bash asked

"Maybe because if I dance with just anyone more people will start to ask me to dance with them," Caitlyn said

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